The letter

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Hermione p.o.v.

As I was waiting for Alex to finish up in the bathroom I heard something tapping on the kitchen window. I went downstairs to see an owl tapping the window with its beak. I was about to walk away when I noticed a letter tied to its leg. I let it in and it flew over to the kitchen table and sat on it. I cautiously walked over to it and untied the letter. It was addressed to me. Then I heard Alex yell asking where I was. I told her that I was in the kitchen and that she need to see this. I could hear her footsteps as she ran downstairs then they suddenly stopped. She asked was asking about the owl when a second one flew in and sat on the table next to the other one. I was untying the second letter when Alex told me to shut the window. I told her that I didn't think I should and she naturally asked why so I told her that it was because of this as I waved the second letter in her face. She took it and look at it as I looked at mine it said that it was from a school called Hogwarts.
I turned to look at Alex at the same time that she turned to look at me.
"What's Hogwarts?" We asked at the same time.

We burst out laughing just like we always do when we talk at the same time. While we were laughing our parents had come into the kitchen.

"What's so funny?" Our mum asked.
Before I could even get a word in Alex said "Mum what's Hogwarts?"

"I don't know honey." She said

"We got letters from a school called Hogwarts but there isn't any schools around here called Hogwarts." I told her

"Maybe it's a private school."

"A private school? OH MY GOSH THAT WOULD BE SO COOL!!!!!!!!!!!" Alex screamed.

"How about you open the letters instead of just guessing" my dad said.

"On the count of three?" My sister asked me and I nodded.



We ripped the envelopes open. I scanned through my letter quickly.
"OH MY GOSH I'M A WITCH!!!!!!" We screamed at the same time then laughed.

My mum looked at us weirdly.
"Your what now?"

"Witches." I replied calmly

"You know like bibity bopity boo, hocas pocas, abra kadabra alakazam, turn you into a toad, uses a magic wand..." My sister began to reply calmly
"...CAN DO FREAKIN MAGIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" She finished

My mum just stared in shock while we giggled quietly.

"Your lying." She replied simply

"No they're not honey." My dad replied. "Maybe you should read this." He said as he handed he a letter.

"No I will not read that stupid letter. It's obviously some delinquent teenager trying to mess with us and you're falling for it!" She seethed. "There is no such thing as magic and I refuse to have my husband a daughters believing otherwise!"
"I will be back in three days and this had better be sorted out." She said as she left.

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