C'est la vie

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"Ally come on it's time for practice!" Alicia said waking me up.

That's how it has been for the past few weeks. Quidditch season is coming closer and Oliver wants us to be prepared. He has us get up at 4:00 in the morning and practice until 7:00 to accomplish this.

"Uggghhh....remind me to slap Oliver." I said egging up and putting on some practice clothes.

Alicia giggled knowing I really would slap him.

"Come on let's go we're gonna be late!!" She said dragging me out the door.

Alicia and I had become very good friends due to quidditch. Angelina however is rude as- I don't even know what. Nothing is as rude as she is. Alicia often comes and wakes me up in the mornings so I don't have to 'face the wrath of Oliver.' As she says.

We ran outside only to find it was pouring rain. I grabbed my wand out of a place I'd rather not mention in case a boy ever reads this, and castes a speed on us so we wouldn't be wet.

Alicia smiled gratefully at me.

We ran to the pitch with our brooms and started doing warm-ups while we waited for everyone else.


"Alright team great practice!" Oliver said as we got into a huddle at 7:00. "At this rate we'll crush Slytherin at the match Saturday!"

Oh crap! The match is in two days!!!

"Same time tomorrow team!" He said and we all headed for the locker rooms.

Alicia and I walked to our dorm, showered and changed. When we were ready we headed down to breakfast.

"Hey Mione." I greeted as I sat down.

Alicia went to sit by Angelina. I can tell she doesn't really like her though.

"Oh shoot!" I said as Oliver sat down near us. "ALICIA!" I yelled getting her attention.

"WHAT?!" She yelled back.

"You forgot to remind me to slap him!" I answered quieter but still yelling.

"Dang it!" Was her response.

"Ah well, c'est la vie." Hermione said.

"Ah oui, c'est la vie." I said back before bursting out laughing. "That rhymes!"

"I guess you're a poet and you didn't know it." She said.

"I can make a rhyme anytime." I said back and we started laughing again.

"Hey Ally don't forget to slap him!" Alicia called.

Luckily Oliver was right between me and Harry giving us tips for the match. I don't think either of us were listening.

"Oliver." I said getting his attention.

He looked at me and I slapped him across the face. Not hard but not like a little tap either. Everyone around us who saw it burst out laughing, including me.

"Oh....my......gosh.....t-the l-look....on your....f-face!" I said between laughter.

"What was that for?!" He asked.

"4:00 practice!" I said after I stopped laughing.


Hey y'all! I guess those of you who don't speak French are wondering what c'est la vie means huh? Well it means: that's life. Also Hermione and Ally do know some French (You'll understand why and how later) so there will be some French thrown in there. I will put translations in the authors notes but if I forget just leave a comment asking what it means and I'll tell you.


I hope you like this chapter!

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At this time I would like to thank jasminelovesyoutube for letting me know what she thought of my story. So thank you jasminelovesyoutube!


P.S. A Witches Life For Me next!

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