3040- Earth: After Nuclear

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Mairead and I make it to the Walgreens, or what's left of it anyway, near by. We raid the shelves and take everything we can carry from pain meds to bottled water.
"It was a lot simpler when we were just cops," Mairead says.
"How so, exactly?" I ask.
"Well for one, we had a car and after the missile everything that ran on electricity stopped working, and it's not like the solar cars will work anytime soon"
"True, but this whole 'nuclear apocalypse' thing wouldn't be so bad if we had the wee-fee," I say, Mairead chuckles.
"Why do you say it like that it's Wi-Fi, first of all, and second of all why is it so important? Need the Netflix or something?"
"Yes, yes I do," I reply seriously.
"Your priorities are all messed up, you know?"
" You know with all this radiation stuff, shouldn't we have super powers by now?"
"Out of all the things you could be complaining about that's what you complain about?"
"You know you want some too, and I prefer to look at the brighter side to things"
"I've noticed," says Mairead, picking up a few more things and stuffing them into her back pack,"I think we got enough supplies for at least another day or two."
"Then let's head back," I say. As we reach for the door we hear it. The familiar low growl of a beast.

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