3038- Earth: Before Nuclear

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   Mairead and I started work after graduation. We work in Kansas.
     "Traffic duty?!" I exclaimed, "Everyone is getting actual calls and cases, and we're stuck on the side of the road giving out tickets?"
     " Phi, chill. It's not that bad, we'll stop by Dunkin Doughnuts for food and watch Netflix or something while we wait for someone to screw up," Mairead said in a serious, yet cheery, tone, but I knew this was her way of telling me to shut up, suck it up, and just do it.

   "Fine," I said. She did as promised, we got food, and spent the rest of the day in a hot, stuffy squad car.  We only pulled over one person, which shocked me because no one follows the speed limit. After we returned to the station I changed into my camoflouge tank-top, skinny jeans, and a pair of black flip-flops and headed home for dinner. I felt lazy, so I just ordered a pizza and Skyped my family back over on the East Coast, they lived in New Jersey.
       "Hey, Ma!" I yelled when I saw her face on my computer screen.
      "Hey, Ladybug. How was work today?" She asked.
       " Boring, Mairead and me," I started, but got cut off by my mom clearing her throat and giving me on of her signature mom looks, I may be an adult, but my mother still scares me, "sorry, Mairead and had traffic duty. We only pulled over one person. One! Why does everyone have to obey the speed limit out here?" I complained.

  "I don't know, Ladybug, the nerve of some people! Following the law that's just not right!" My mom said sarcastically.
    "I know, right? It's so annoying! Anyway, how's everyone your way?"
     "We're all fine. We miss you though, and we have some exciting news, too!"
     "Those are the scariest words on the planet."
     "No the scariest words come from you and they are 'I have an idea'"
     "Gee, thanks, Ma."
     "Anyway, we're going to space. We bought the tickets, and we accidently bought an extra one, so I guess you can have it, we're leaving next year!"
     "Okay, first of all. MA! That's so mean! Second of all it's a year away, so chill, and-"
      "Did you just tell me to chill?" My mother interrupted me.
       "I didn't finish. Thank you for the ticket, and yes, yes I did"
       "We're leaving in June next year," she said. I saw one of my little brothers in the background.
        "Hey, Leo!" I called out to him.
        "'Sup," he said, absently, and left the room. Leo is my youngest brother,  my other brother, Steven, worked for NASA, he was a mathematician. I heard a timer go off in the background.
       "Oh that's dinner!" My mom said.
       "Okay. Bye, Mom. I love you!" I said.
       "Love you too, sweetie! I'll talk to you tomorrow!" I ended the call, turned off my laptop, and went to bed. Just like I did every night.

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