The Chase

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Two days later:

Taehyung rummaged his entire house for some cash but in vain. The only thing he found was his mother's necklace in one of the drawers. How could he sell it? Many memories were attached to the thin chain. His knees gave in as he slid down the wall and sat on the floor.

Mother was so caring, so loving. Why did she had to die so young? If only I could hug her for one last time.. Taehyung thought as he hugged his knees.

There was an aggressive knock on the door and Taehyung knew who it was. Alarmed, he quickly got on his feet, his mind racing yet he couldn't come up with a witty plan to escape. He was too terrified. The loud banging on the door stopped for a few seconds along with the brunette's heart. And then an axe began hacking down the door into pieces.

The only option he had was to jump out of the window.


The driver behind Baekhyun's moped kept honking. The teen was tempted to speed up but he remembered his boss's words; "one scratch on my bike and you are fired. Oh and, the food should be delivered on time." Baekhyun sighed and waved at him to back off, but he ignored him and continued honking. "Sometimes I hate my life." Baekhyun thought.

Who would have thought that juggling between jobs would be so difficult? At least not him. He was a food delivery guy by day and a cashier at the convenient store by night. A good sleep was only a dream which he only dreamed during his power naps.

He pulled up to a small house, took out the piping hot dishes from the food box and with his helmet on, he walked up to the door.

His cellphone went off. It was Father again. He declined the call again dejectedly and shoved his phone away in his pocket.

He knocked twice and after a few seconds a petite girl opened the door and Baekhyun's jaw hit the ground. She was the prettiest girl he had ever seen.  She smiles shyly at the pretty boy as she pays for the food, also she insists he keep the change. The temperature suddenly dropped and Baekhyun's ears turned red.

He flashed his most charming smile as he began to head back but then he remembered something. 'Ah! Your free coupons." He pulled some out of his pocket and the next second they went flying into the air like confetti as someone ran into him out of the blue and they both fell, scraping their knees and elbows.

Baekhyun was beyond embarrassed but when he recognised the one who bumped into him, the girl was already forgotten. The brunette boy quickly got on his feet regardless of his injuries and dashed off. A gang of punks followed him.

Being chased was nothing like the movies. The stars look heroic, sexy and in command of the situation. Reality was far removed from that pretty version of running to save your skin. Taehyung had no time to put on his shoes or even grab his cellphone from the bed. "Get here, you little piece of sh*t!" The punks yelled. Taehyung looked back at them and luckily dodged the empty fruit crate coming his way.

His lungs were pumping, but the air didn't seem to be enough as he sprinted forward, panic trembling in his exhausted limbs. With each footfall a jarring pain shoots from his ankles to knees. Perhaps jumping from a second floor window wasn't so smart. "Give up already! YOU CAN'T RUN AWAY FROM US!"

His heart was beating like it meant to explode and his mind was a scattered mess. He was no army general, he merely fixed cars for a living for God's sake. Not a day goes by and the devil himself is in pursuit. Only it's worse, his chaser was flesh and blood and means to send him straight to hell just the same. 

His father should have never taken Choi Hyung Tae's dirty money. He made it seem like a gift when it was truly enslavement, now he plans to hold Taehyung up as an example, to strike fear into the others but he won't be his to butcher. Taehyung, in fact, plans be alive when Choi Hyung Tae is six feet under to throw daisies on his grave. "Today I'll run until there's no skin left on my feet, then I'll crawl.. But I won't get beaten up today..not today!" He thought.

Someone was honking relentlessly for Taehyung's attention. "GET ON!" It was the black haired guy from earlier on a moped. "COME ON!" He yelled. The brunette had no choice but to hop on his hopeless looking bike. Surprisingly, it helped him zoom out of the scene.

They pulled up near Han River at a seemingly secure spot. Taehyung got off the moped and began to walk away. "Hey, where are you going?" Baekhyun called out. Annoyed, Taehyung turned around and pulled out a few bills from his pocket. "It's always about money, right?" Baekhyun flipped out the kickstand and got off the moped in surprise. "What are you talking about? I didn't help you out for some money." He was clearly offended now. Taehyung scoffed. "I never asked for your help."

Baekhyun sighed in disbelief. "Aren't you being a little ungrateful?" Taehyung opened his mouth to say something but decides against it. He then began to limp away.

Baekhyun noticed he was barefooted, every step he took was leaving a bloody print behind it. The black haired teen gulped down his anger and walked up to him. "Get on the bike. You can't walk anymore." "Leave me alone."

Baekhyun was not in the mood to take any crap from him. He stood up infront of him. "Do you even have a place to go?"

Taehyung grit his teeth, anger boiling up, he pushed away the lean guy infront of him. "The f*ck is your problem?"

Baekhyun staggered but quickly regained his balance. He was on the brink to lose his temper, the one which could send the brunette straight to hell but balling his fist, he resisted it. "Fine."

Baekhyun pulled out the money Taehyung gave him earlier and threw it on his battered face before walking away.


After his day shift, Baekhyun went straight to home to wash up. He was in the shower when he heard strange noises coming from the kitchen. Alarmed, he quickly wraps a towel around his waist and tip toes his way out.

The lights were out in the kitchen and the masked intruder wasn't aware of Baekhyun's presence behind her. Grabbing the opportunity, the half naked teen locked his arm around the intruder and caught her in a rear headlock, and choked her. "Who sent you?" He whispered in her ear. The masked one quickly strikes Baekhyun in the gut with her elbow and jerked him off.

Baekhyun wobbled a bit before regaining his balance. He couldn't help but laugh sarcastically at her weak defense. He then charged at the intruder, locked his leg behind hers and threw her on the ground. Whimpering, she put her hands up to surrender. Baekhyun was clearly far more skilled than her.

"Who are you, you weak little punk?" He asked, panting. The intruder pulled off the mask. It was Yuri, one of Father's daughters.

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