Part 2 - Getting to Know Seohee

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                Back in the classroom, Hoya looked around for Seohee, but couldn’t find her. “I hope she is okay” he mumbled to himself.

                The teacher walked in and the class quickly got settled. Once class had finished, everyone started gathering in groups so that they could chat a bit before heading off to their schedules.

                “Hoya!” Sunggyu called out. “We have to go! We got an early scheduled today!”

                Hoya quickly gathered his stuff and was about to leave when he saw Seohee’s bag next to her desk. He looked around and noticed that she still wasn’t there. He grabbed her bag and said “Hey Myungsoo, I’ll meet you guys at the van” and then took off before Myungsoo could ask him where he was going.

                “Hey! Where is he going?” Woohyun asked.

                “Don’t know” Myungsoo shrugged his shoulders. “He said he’ll meet us at the van.”

                “Let’s just get going” Sunggyu sighed.

                Hoya ran down the halls to the infirmary in the hopes of finding Seohee there. He opened the door, walked in and looked around. Then he smiled and sighed in relief when he saw her still in the bed. He walked over to her and placed her bag on the bedside table.

                Suddenly, he felt a hand on his shoulder. “Please don’t wake her” the nurse whispered.

                Hoya placed a hand on his chest as he whispered back “You scared me!”

                The nurse chuckled. “She is fine. She’s just resting right now.”

                “I just came to drop off her bag” Hoya whispered as he pointed to the bag on the table.

                “Thank you” the nurse smiled.

                Hoya bowed and then said “I’ve got to get going. Have a good day.” Then he ran from the room.

                Seohee groaned as she started waking up. She stretched her arms out and slowly opened her eyes. “Hi Samchon” she yawned.

                “How are you feeling?”

                “Much better” she smiled. She looked around the room and noticed her bag. “Thanks for going to get my bag.”

                “Wasn’t me” he said as he held his hands up in defense.

                She looked back at him confused. “If it wasn’t you……… Then who brought it?”

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