Part 4 - At The Hospital

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                Seohee ran as fast as she could to catch the bus. “Thank God I made it” she huffed as she took a seat on the bus. “Hope I’m not late.” She said as the bus came to a stop in front of the hospital. She got off the bus, walked into the Hospital lobby and approached the registration desk.

                “Can I help you Miss?” the receptionist greeted her.

                 “Yes I have an appointment with Dr. Park Sungmin” Seohee replied.

                “Of course” the receptionist said as she pulled up the schedule on her computer. “Your name?”

                “Choi Seohee.”

                The receptionist printed out a paper and asked “Do you know where his office is?”

                “Yes” Seohee replied bubbly.

                As Seohee walked away, the receptionist sighed “She is too young.”

                “Who is?” the receptionist next to her asked.

                “The patient I just registered.”

                “Too young for what?”

                “To be seeing Dr. Park Sungmin.”

                The second receptionist’s face suddenly became grave “Oh.”

                Seohee walked to the office and took a seat. “Oh Seohee” the doctor smiled when he saw her.

                “Hi Dr. Park” she smiled back.

                “Come on in and have a seat” he gestured her into the room. He took a seat behind his desk and asked “How have you been?”

                Seohee smiled and said “I’ve been good. Only, I had an episode yesterday, but other than that I’ve been good.”

                “How bad of an episode?”

                “I didn’t feel good and ended up vomiting. Then, as I was on my way to the infirmary to see my Samchon, I passed out in the hallway.”

                Dr. Park took a deep breath and let out a heavy sigh. “How often have you passed out?”

                “Just this once” she replied.

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