Part 7 - The Journal

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                The day after the funeral, Dongyup decided to go to her apartment to collect her things. He had never been inside before, so he had no idea what to expect. He was very surprised to find that she had very few belongings and those she had, were already packaged in boxes. Everything except a journal, a present and letter that sat upon her desk.

                He walked over to her desk and was surprised to see that the letter was addressed to him. He picked it up, ripped it open and read the contents of the letter.

Dear Samchon,

            I know it must be weird for you to find this letter. Actually, it's pretty weird for me to be writing it. Dr. Park had said that I should write down everything I wanted to say to my loved ones before I die. I didn't know what he meant at the time, but now I think I do.

            Samchon thank you for taking care of me after my parents died. I know I wasn't always the easiest person to deal with and was often selfish, but I realize now that you never once complained about it. You always put up with my whining and always gave in when I threw a tantrum. I hope you can forgive me if I made your life more difficult and complicated than it needed to be.

            I want you to know that I appreciate everything you have done for me and please don't be too sad about my passing. I just want you to know that I love you very much and I will always be with you in your heart. The gift on my desk is for you. I hope you like it.

            Samchon, I have one last favor to ask of you. Please give this journal to my friends. You can read it too, but I want my friends to see it as well because it contains all my feelings for both you and them.

            Thank you for always being the best Samchon. I love you <3

            Goodbye for now,


                As he read over the contents of the letter, the tears that he had managed to hold back throughout the funeral fell continuously. He folded the letter and placed it back on the desk. Then he picked up the journal and began flipping through the contents. At first all he saw was writing, but as he read on he noticed that she had started to draw little pictures on the side and even further along she had attached pictures to the pages.

                He collapsed onto the chair and cried as he read through her journal. "I can't believe this girl" he sobbed. Once he finished reading the journal, he picked up the present and opened it. More tears fell as he gently removed the watch from its case and placed it on his wrist.

                The next day at school, he called the members of Infinite to the infirmary. "Hello Hyung" Sunggyu greeted Dongyup somberly. "What did you want to see us for?"

                "Have a seat" Dongyup said, gesturing towards the table he had set up. "I've got something for you guys."

                The guys took their seats while Dongyup grabbed the journal from his desk. He then walked over to the group and placed the journal in the middle of the table. "What is this?" Myungsoo asked.

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