Part 8 - The Last Entry (Final Part)

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8/11/2011 - It looks like this will be my last entry. Thinking back on it now, I can't help but laugh. I never thought I'd have so much to write about. After meeting Infinite, I've had one adventure after another. I've even been able to cross off most of the things on my bucket list. There is just one more thing I have to do.

Dear Infinite,

I hope you've had enough courage to read everything I've written in my journal. This journal has contained all of the feelings that I've kept hidden from you. I'm sorry that you are only learning the truth now. I wish I could have told you myself instead of writing it all down.

Sungjong: I want to thank you for always bringing a smile to my face. Your bright personality always made me smile through the pain. I'm going to miss seeing your smile the most. Please try not to cry too much and smile for me.

Sungyeol: I always loved how passionate you were in everything you did. Even if it wasn't going well, you always kept a positive attitude. That helped me to hold on to the tiniest bit of hope that things were going to be alright. Keep that positive attitude always.

Dongwoo: Thanks to you I was always laughing, even when I wanted to cry. Sometimes you even made me laugh until I cried. I don't think anyone could have made me laugh as much as you did.

Woohyun: I think I will miss having our movie dates the most. Also, thanks to your clinginess, my neighbor thinks we are dating. Although I constantly complained about it, I really did like having you cling onto me. It helped to keep me grounded. kekeke Promise me you will show just as much care and attention to your real girlfriend in the future.

Sunggyu: You know, I always felt very comfortable around you. You had this calming presence that helped me to relax regardless of how I was feeling. I think that is why I was able to tell you about my parents so easily. I'm sorry for lying to you that day we met at the hospital. I had only just met you then and wasn't ready to tell you everything. Thank you for always being there to listen to me whenever I needed to talk.

Myungsoo: Thank you for always reading with me. Whether it was a Shakespearean play or one of your scripts, I always enjoyed immersing myself in the roles. It was one of the only times I was able to escape from reality and enjoy living like a normal person. I know I had said no more kiss scenes, but I honestly wouldn't have minded a few more.

Hoya: Why is it you always saw me at my worst? From the first day I started school to my last, you were always there to catch me when I fainted. Do you have some kind of sixth sense? My Samchon always joked that you were my savior and I think he was right. If you hadn't been there, I could have gotten hurt quite a number a times. Thank you for always being by my side and protecting me.

By the time you all read this, I will have already passed. I know that you will be upset that I didn't try and hold on longer, but I already know how this will end. I know that there will be a match, I'm sure if it :) I think that is proof that we were meant to meet. Know that I'm not leaving because I want to, but because my body has already given me more time than it could handle.

Ever since my parents died and I learned of my condition, I've always kept my distance from people. I was too afraid that I would lose them or hurt them in the end. You seven were the first ones I've opened up to and I'm truly grateful to have met you all. If there is one thing I regret, it would be that I was unable tell you all this while I was still with you. Thank you guys for everything. You've made me happier than I could have ever expected. I wish we could have spent more time together, but I'm afraid I don't have enough strength left.

I want you all to know that my love for you is infinite and that I will always be by your side in spirit, watching over and cheering for you. So promise me you will smile, because it was your smiles that made me happiest.

Until we meet again,

Saranghae ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

Choi Seohee :)



As the guys read her last entry, tears fell from their eyes. "Noona, I promise I'll smile always" Sungjong sobbed.

Sungyeol hugged him and said "We all promise."

Sunggyu closed the journal and rose from his seat. He walked over to Dongyup's office with the other members following after him. He held out the journal for him and said "Thank you, Hyung."

Dongyup shook his head and smiled "You guys keep it."


Dongyup raised his hand and shook his head again. "I'm sure she would rather you have it." Then he smiled and chuckled "Besides, she left me this." He held up his hand and showed them the watch he was wearing. "You guys keep the journal and whenever you miss her, you can flip through the pages and remember how happy she was just to be with you."

"Thank you Hyung" Sunggyu said as a tear slowly fell from his eyes. Then they all bowed and left.

As Dongyup was watching the guys leave, he swore he could see Seohee walking with them like she always did; smiling happily by their side.


The End!

Thank you for reading (^_~)

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