Part 5 - Things Get Worse

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                Days turned to weeks and soon six months had passed. The members of Infinite and Seohee had become close friends. Whenever they had the chance, they would invite her over to have dinner or to study.

                Seohee was finally enjoying the life of a normal teenager, but she was anything but normal. She started to feel nauseous more often and her fainting spells were happening more frequently.

                “Seohee” Dr. Park smiled “You’re not due to see me for another two weeks. What brings you here?”

                “You told me to come back sooner if the spells started to happen more frequently” she replied. “I’ve been feeling nauseous just about every night and I’m finding it difficult to keep anything down.”

                “Have you been passing out as well?”

                “Yes, I have.”

                Dr. Park looked over her chart and said “Based on what you have said……. It appears that it has spread.”

                “How far?”

                “I can’t say for certain without running tests, but if you are experiencing nausea every night, then I’d say that it has progressed to at least Stage II; possibly Stage III.”

                Dongyup was shocked “How could it have progressed so fast?”

                “I’m not sure” Dr. Park responded. “There is still much we don’t know about this type of cancer. We are still looking for a donor, but it is very difficult to find matching non-family member donors.”

                “Still” Dongyup was agitated.

                “Samchon” Seohee spoke up. “We knew that it was only going to be a matter of time. That is why you agreed to let me leave the hospital and attend school.”


                She turned to the doctor and asked “How long do you think I have left?”

                “Considering it has progressed this far already” he looked over his notes again “I’d say a few months at most.”

                “What?” Dongyup screamed.

                “Thank you Doctor” Seohee said as she fought hard to suppress her tears.

                They left the office and Dongyup turned to Seohee. “Let’s get a second opinion.”

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