Part 3 - Reading in the Courtyard

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                “Hey, what are you doing out here?” she asked. “I thought you had gym.”

                “We do, but I wasn’t feeling too good, so I decided to skip.” He looked around nervously “What about you, why aren’t you in class?”

                Seohee wasn’t sure what to say, so she just told the truth. “I’m exempt from gym class.”

                “Exempt?” Myungsoo was surprised. “Wow, you must really be special to get exempt from gym. Even all of us idols have to take gym class.”

                “You’re an idol?” she asked surprised by his comment.

                Myungsoo nervously giggled “Yeah.” He nervously fiddled with his phone.

                “If you’re not feeling well, you should probably sit down” she said as she patted the ground next to her. “That or go to the infirmary.”

                Myungsoo looked at her and said “Are you sure you don’t mind? I wouldn’t want to disturb you.”

                “Not at all” she smiled “Take a seat! It’s nice and cool in the shade.”

                Myungsoo walked over to the tree slowly and sat down beside her. “What are you reading?”

                She held up the book for him to see “The complete works of William Shakespeare” she smiled.

                Myungsoo was shocked “Wow! You must love plays and poetry.”

                Seohee chuckled “It’s a great book” she paused for a moment “to fall asleep to.”

                Myungsoo looked at her and they both started laughing. “Then why are you reading it?”

                Seohee looked at the book with melancholy “It’s one of the things on my ‘to do’ list.”

                Myungsoo was stumped by her statement, but brushed it off. “Where are you at?”

                “I just started Romeo and Juliet” she replied.

                “Want me to read with you?”


                “It might not be so boring if you have someone to read with” Myungsoo suggested.

                Seohee smiled and said “Thank you, I’d like that.”

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