Part 6 - The Truth Revealed

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                Hoya lifted her up and they carried her to the infirmary. “Hyung!” they called out as they entered the room.

                Dongyup looked up from the paper he was reading and saw them carrying Seohee. “Put her on the bed over there.”

                Hoya laid her down gently and they all turned to the nurse. “Is she okay?” Sungjong nervously asked.

                Dongyup looked at the group and asked “What happened?”

                “We were on our way to gym class when she took off” Woohyun offered. “We caught up with her as she was leaving the bathroom. We asked if she was alright, but she said no and passed out.”

                “Is she going to be alright?” Sungyeol asked.

                Dongyup didn’t know what to tell them. They were obviously concerned about her, but she had made him promise not to say anything about her condition. “She probably just needs to rest” Dongyup smiled.

                “Can we stay with her?” Sungjong asked.

                “You should probably go back to class for now. You can come back later to check on her” Dongyup said. The group all nodded and reluctantly shuffled out of the room. Dongyup turned to the unconscious girl and said “Now, what am I going to do with you?”

                When Seohee opened her eyes she was greeted by seven very concerned pairs of eyes. “Hyung! She’s awake!” Dongwoo called out and Dongyup came over to check on her.

                “Could you guys please wait outside” Dongyup asked. The guys all nodded and slowly filed out of the room. Dongyup then turned his attention to Seohee. “What happened?”

                “I had another spell” she admitted.

                “They are getting worse” Dongyup sighed. He looked at the door to the infirmary and said “You should really tell them.”

                Seohee looked at her uncle and said “I suppose you’re right.”

                Dongyup smiled and patted her on the back. “I’ll let them back in.”

                “Okay” she said as she sat up.

                “Seohee!” Sungjong shouted as he ran over to the bed and hugged her.

                Sungyeol and Myungsoo walked over and pulled him off her and sat on the bed next to hers. “How are you feeling?” Sunggyu asked.

                “I’m okay” she replied.

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