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Another day at this stupid orphanage. Another day to wake up in a room full of unwanted kids like me. Another day to go peel the vegetables for dinner and then do three hours of schoolwork before we have to go out and sell chocolate bars to raise money for the orphanage, like they are really gonna use the money on us...

My life has been on repeat for seven years and the only friend I had ever made was this boy his name was Ollie and he was the only one to ever stick up for me when the older kids at the orphanage would tease me about how I was. You see I like to keep to myself not really because I was shy but because I prefer to be alone than getting together in the backyard to play basketball or something.

We hung out a lot through the years, he had been there for eight years when his parents died in a car accident.

We had still yet to be adopted though and that's what annoyed me most. We had been here for years waiting to be adopted, and then a little two year comes in and is here for like a week and is adopted...parents only want the little kids I suppose.

Well my life changed today and it started out like this...

I was sweeping the street on which the orphanage was on as it was one of the many chores on my to do list of the day and I watched as families strolled down the road children with their hands fitted snugly into their mothers hands and fathers carrying the child’s schoolbag. I can't help but wonder what that feels like.

I shook my head and forgot about it and just carried on with my work. I started singing a song I heard on the radio yesterday while I was washing the van all of us use on day trips. I think it was called Emotions by Mariah Carey. The dj of that station said that the whistle tones that Mariah does are one of the hardest things to do and only a few people could do it. But I can do it.

“I don't know if it's real, but I like the way you feel inside” I sung sweeping to the rhythm of the song.

Suddenly I heard clapping behind me and a girl was standing behind me. She wasn't super tall but she wasn’t really short either she was taller thanks to those huge heels she had on. Her hair was brown with the half up half down hairstyle which suited her. She was wearing a short pink dress that came up to just above her knees.

“That was awesome!” she said continuing clapping.

“Uh, thanks...” I said embarrassed.

“Seriously, you are an amazing singer trust me I should know...” she said smiling at me like I was the winning lottery ticket.

“Um, thanks...again” I said and gave her a half hearted smile back.

“Have you ever thought about doing it professionally” she asked. Was she actually serious right now...I feel like she is messing with me.

“What?” I replied. It probably sounded a little harsher than I intended but I feel like she is joking with me.

“Well I'm kind of looking for another singer for my next album to do a duet with and your voice would sync perfectly with mine” she said pulling out a card from her bag and handing it to me.

“This is my contact number, don't give it to anybody else. This is for you only I really think you have something special, it would be a shame to waste such a talent” she said putting her hand on my shoulder.

Oh my goodness. What the hell is going on... okay so first a random girl creeps up behind me while I am singing then she apparently knows everything about me then she offers me a job on her next... album. Wait album?

“Wait hold up, what album? Who are you?” I asked putting the broom down and crossing my arms.

“Oh right! Sorry, my name is Ariana, Ariana Grande” she said giving me that little smirk that all the pretty girls have down these days...

That name sounds kind of familiar but I don't know where I have heard it before...

“I sing and act...I played Cat Valentine in Victorious and Sam And Cat and I was in the movie Swindle...” she asked trying to help me catch on but I had no clue.

"Sorry I'm not aloud to watch TV” I said and she looks sort of offended but then she softens.

“Oh, well tell your parents its not healthy to keep a young girl away from TV...” she said smiling again. Why is this girl so happy?

“Uhm I don’t really have parents...I live here” I said pointing to the orphanage sign. She looked sad then looked at me.

“Sorry” she said looking at the floor avoiding my eyes.

“Its fine I'm over it...” I said now smiling trying to get this stranger to smile back.

“Well I really gotta get going but please please please consider my offer, you deserve to be heard!” she said said over her shoulder as she walked away.

I nodded and she stopped in her tracks and waved. I waved back at this girl I just met even tough she was a complete stranger. But it felt like I knew her more than I knew my own mother.

I looked at the card that was in my hand and smiled... I have a chance.

Hey y'all so this is a new story that is so fun for me to write and hoping its as much fun for you to read, so if you actually liked this then that's awesome. Tell me what you thought of it below in the comments!!! Please vote and share I really appreciate it!!!

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