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Ugh so today is my first day of school. I was really hoping that because Ari was famous she could hire a tutor for me instead but apparently she wanted me to learn with others and to to make friends. Now I wouldn't say I wasn't social because I am, but I just don't like people. It's just a fact!

I had my uniform on and I looked like total snob. And if not a snob then I looked like one of those english schoolgirls who are secretly naughty. I hate uniorms.

I walked downstairs and slumped into my seat. Ari was over by the sink and Frankie was flipping pancakes. I'm not sure about Joan though. I let out a sigh and both of them looked over at me.

“Morning Baby” Ari said coming over to the table and kissing my head.

I groaned in repsonse.

“I think someones grumpy about going to school” Frankie laughed dropping one of his pancakes “Aw, sh- I mean snap” he says smiling as Ari glared in his direction. He smiled cheesily and went back to pancake making.

“Do I have to go to school Ari” I say. She sat down and smiled. Frankie brought over the pancakes and then checked his phone.

“I'm gonna be late” he says grabbing his coat “I'll talk to you ladies later” he said and rushed through the door.

“Bye” Ari shouted.

I shoved one pancake into my mouth and then grabbed another.

“I guess if you really don't wanna go you don't have to” she says.

“Really?” I asked perking up.

“No. Hurry up and eat and then I'll take you to school” she says smirking.

I huffed and finished my breakfast and got my bag.

I looked in the mirror before going back downstairs and Ari was ready and waiting.

“You look great stop worrying baby”

We got into the car and it was silent the whole way there.

Once we arrived she looked at me.

“Okay ground rules, no rule breaking, no hurting people, don't be snobby and don't do drugs! If you do I will know...” she said squinting at me. What does she thing I am a crazy person. “Have a nice day baby gir!” she shouted as i got out the car and headed for the doors. When I got into the school everyone looked at me but then went back to their conversations.

“Hi, I'm Katy. I will be you're guide for today” she says and hands me a schedule. She was a nice looking girl. About my height and blond.

“Thanks” I said taking the piece of paper...

“So I heard you're Ariana Grande's adopted daughter, that must be cool” she said.

“Yeah I guess” I said and she led me to the art room.

“Here is you're first class I'll come and get you after first bell” she said and then left.

I sat down in the seat in the back corner and then the lesson began.

It was a easy lesson actually, we just had to draw whatever we wanted to.

I decided to draw a picture of Ollie. I hope he is doing okay. It turns out I could draw because the teacher just stood behind me watching for ages which was uncomfortable until she said that I was one of the best young artists she had seen in a long time.

She even wanted to show the class my art but I figured that would put me on the teachers pet hit list. I continued shading in a strand of hair in the drawing when a boy walked over. He was pretty cute and decent looking.

He sat down in the chair in front on me and turned around.

“So you like art?” he says grinning. He had a british accent which suited his look.

“Never really thought about it” I told him.

“Well you're really good” he says and then extends a hand out to me.

“I'm Greg” he said and I shook his hand.

“Jena” I say and he grinned.

Maybe I might like this whole school buisness...

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2014 ⏰

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