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*Your pov*
Yes! I'm leaving my moms home! I finally get to leave my mom and dads house (and my annoying brother) but......I'm still very sad to leave even when I'm 25 I still will miss my mommy and daddy and sadly my brother. BUT I can not wait!I am super excited! Moving to My Street!  EEEEE!
I went down stairs and saw my mom, dad, and brother waiting for me then really sad/mad because I took an hour in the bathroom. What! I have to do me makeup and stuff! "Hey mom, hey dad, hey brother! I cant wait! But I'm really sad that I have to leave you guys!" I said. My sister already left so I guess now it's only them in the house. I saw mom and dad crying. I couldn't help to cry either. My brother had a smile on his face a really weird smirk. "Hehe, yes! I cant wait tell you're gone!"He said in a cheeky voice. Was he hiding something? Hmm. "Okay well I'm going to have to leave in 1 hour so,umm(looks at brother curious) don't do anything bad."I said, mostly to my brother. "Well....wanna go get some....breakfast at Dunkin' Donuts" my mom said between sniffs. "Yeah,let's go a do that"I said. I had one hour so all's good!

*at D.D*

"Hmm I would like 4 egg and cheese croissant, and 1 small sized cup of hot chocolate."I said to the worker "ok,coming right up!"the worker replied. Aaaa it was a nice day! The windows were open. The cool breeze was flowing. It was a nice day!

At the airport*

Hmmm I'm surprised I thought my brother would do something cheeky.....

*announcement: "can I have you're attention flight 202 has been delayed for 5mins because the road has somewhat been cracked please stand by"

....I was incorrect he did do something cheeky. I heard some people getting really mad all because of my brother. Wait. Dose he miss me that's why he's doing this? Naw! Well gotta wait 5 more minutes!

*5 minutes later*

Yeah! I'm on the plane! Woohoo! Well I'm siting right next to a girl, at lest that's better then a boy cuz I read some books on wattpad.....I mean at the library about some ruckus on the plane and stuff like that, well it just about someone really wanting this girl to be married to him. And actually this is a different plane so I should be good for now. I put on my head phones on and played the song *dance to forget* and started to drift of to a slumber.
  I woke up! Agh someone was shaking me. It was the girl next to me. "HURRY WAKE UP~NYA!!!" She was screaming really loud! "What! Ok am awake"I replied very awake. We were here, I graped my bags and headed for a taxi.

*2minuets later

I have arrived! Yay! right now looking at my house on my block!

Thank you guys so much for reading
I hope you have enjoyed just to give I quick catch up
Y/N is you so that's like saying your name! Mk!
Word count:543

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