New home!

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(Your pov)
The moving truck was here so I started taking my boxes out even though some of them were extremely heavy!
I took the light ones out until a dog came over to me. Awwwww! So adorable I pet the dog. I leaned down to see it's coller but someone came running down the block saying "Celestia! Celestia! Come here girl!" A girl said she had black hair...not close to my color changing hair! (I don't know why it changes colors all the time but okay) With redish orangish eyes. She looked pretty with a galaxy sweater. "Oh hey! I'm Aphmau!" She said very happily "Celestia loves new people" "Hey I'm Y/N nice too meet to!"I said "Say, do you need help with those boxes? I have a couple of friends that can help!" She says "Yeah that would be wonderful! But some of these boxes are really heavy!"I said "that's ok the guys are strong"she says and then giggles "maybe you'll even like one"she mumbles "huh?"I say "nothing!" She says smirking. Hmmm? Then 2 girls come this way. "Eeeee! Aphmau~sempie! who's the new friend?" The girl with pink hair and cat ears and a tail says. "Yeah Aph, tell us her name!"a girl with blue hair says, but I just answer. "I'm Y/N nice to meet you!" I say I see Aphmau closing her mouth. Hehe "nice to meet you Y/N~sempie! kawaii~chan loves you're name Y/N~Sempie! Kawaii~chan also loves you're beautiful voice!"the girl with pink hair says. "Hey I'm Katlen! Wassup?" The girl in blue hair says. "Nothing much except unpacking...lots of unpacking."I say. "Well than Kawaii~chan and Katlen~Sama will get rest of the group and we can help!"kawaii~chan says, she's always in a great mood! "Yeah let's go" Katlen says,her voice is more calm and relaxing. "Ok, I'll start unpacking!"I said. "OK" they said at the same time. I started to unpack.
Three minuets later they came back. "Hey Y/N~ sempie! Kawaii~chan and Katlen~Sama got Travis~Sama, Dante~kun, Garroth-Sama, Laurance~Sama, and Lucinda~Kun, also Aaron-sama! Huh where's Zane~Kun? Oh well" Kawaii~chan said. "Ugh I would of been easier if I said it!"Katlen said. Everyone laughed! "Hey I'm Travis, you look gorges."a guy with wight hair says. Someone with blue hair kicks him, I guess he definitely deserved that. "Hey I'm Dante! Nice to meet you"says the guy in the blue hair. The one who kicked Travis hehe. "Hey I'm...G..Garroth! Uhh"the guy with blond hair said, although he was very shy he was really nice! "Hey! I'm Laurance!" a guy with blond hair said. "Hey girl! My name is Lucinda Wassup! I cant wait for you to see my magic shop!" A girl with orange hair said she looked very nice! "Hey I'm Aaron."a guy with nice black hair and eyes said. A guy came running over. "H..h.hey I'm Zane." He said out of breath. "Hey guys,it's very nice to meet you! You're all so nice! If you didn't know my name is Y/N!" I said every guys mouth dropped. "Y..your voice..." Garroth tried to say.Everyone else was speechless. "Uhh I didn't mean to startle you! I'm sorry!"I said "No no no! That's not what you did! Your voice is beautiful it's absolutely gorgeous!" Zane said "I looked over to him, his black hair, one seeable eye. His scarf covering his mouth. He looked beautiful. It's like I was stuck in a trance. Then I quickly shook my head and said "thank you!" I could see a little blush across his face. I blushed too. "Ehem were suppose to be unpacking!!"Katlen says Aphmau and Kawaii~chan is giving her a death stare. Wait No! They think I' love with this handsome boy...I mean just boy! Aghhh! Ok get yourself together! Am I really in love? His light blue eyes look beautiful too...AHH! Did I just think of his...beautiful blue eyes...AGHH!!! My hair turned white ( no one can see your hair change) "Uhh is everything ok?" Aphmau said "uh,oh yeah everything is A OK!"I say "common guys don't just stand there!"Katlen says "ok coming!"I say hmm maybe he's too good for me I mean he probably has a girlfriend already. Obviously duh wait no no! Do I have a serious crush on him AGH!

(Zane's pov?)
Ugh ok get yourself together. She blushed?! When I blushed AGH! I BLUSHED! No no no! I mean she's too gorgeous and her voice is way to pretty! She probably has a girlfriend!! Wait I never act this way around girls not even Aphmau! I'm I in love with her?! no no! Do I have a serious crush on her AGH!

(Y/N pov)
Ok we finished unpacking the upstairs and the downstairs except the kitchen! Ok we got this! I was unpacking the box that said kitchen on it and saw my Radio Woohoo!! I don't know how it got into the kitchen box but ok! I put I on the counter and played it! I remember this thing! I played the song stitches I remember this even though it's 2017 who cares! I turned it louder and everyone started to unpack the kitchen. I'm so glad I got all this help! And I'm so glad I found this radio! I started to sing and dance and unpack at the same time!

"And now that I'm without you're kisses wooo! Ill be needing stitches. Tripping over myself aching wishing you come back, and now that I'm without your kisses wooo I'll be needing stiches...."I sang

"Tripping over myself  aching wishing you to come back..."Aphmau sang

"And now that I'm without you're kisses, woo I'll be needing stitches!"we both sang

All the guys mouths dropped and all the girls! "Wow! I didn't know you too could sing so well!"Zane said
"Me too" katlen said "well,um I don't think your talking about me cuz Aphmau is the best a singing!"I said
"No! Don't say that girl your both good!"Lucinda said "well thank you" Aph and I said in illusion " we finished and sat down! "I'll make dinner for anyone that wants to stay!" I say "really are you sure Y/N~Sempie! Kawaii~chan would love to stay and help! Kawaii~chan loves cooking! Kawaii~chan will help you Y/N~Sempie!"Kawaii~chan said "thank you but I got this one! Maybe you can help with dessert! But I wanted it to be a surprise. It's super delicious!" I say already getting hungry. "Ok Kawaii~Chan will help Y/N~Sempie with dessert!"Kawaii-chan said. "Ok!"I say "oh yeah I'm going to host a house warming party for ya!"Aphmau says "ok what time" I say "tomorrow at 6!"she replies "Ok see ya there!"I say back. It's going to be so much fun!

Thank you guys for reading the 2part of this story
I am very grateful to keep updating
So look out for more! Updates
Word count:1,210
Love ya!

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