✨The AWESOME PRANK✨...backfired....and then more backfires

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OML GOD! DID THAT JUST HAPPEN! It felt like that night was too short, but that was so fun! And how I won monopoly hahahahaha! That was a night! But...I still have to get back for that prank they did. That freaked me out! That movie was scary! Oh yeah! First I have to go to Lucinda...To get the voice away.

*at Lucindas house*

"HEY LUCINDA THIS IS URGENT!"I said "W...WHAT!!! Oh girl wassup?"Lucinda said "THIS IS URGEEEEENNNTT!" I said "Well,don't keep me waiting, what is it?"she said "Remember when...you...threw the disappearing potion, I though I brought the right potion but I didn't;and then I threw the wrong potion and then,I saw that I threw a voice potion, so now I have another voice that is very annoying and I want to get rid of it, it's really stupid and I hate having it in my so, can you please help me?"I said and I knew I was blabbering again. "Girl calm down I got this..."Lucinda said and picked up a potion and threw it on me. *Splash "Hey! This isn't the right one!"I said as I looked at the mirror. "HAHAHAHAHAHHA! Fine but you look good with wear wolf ears!"Lucinda said. huff that girl! *splash* but that gives me an idea...MWAHAHAHA! "Okay....the voice should be gone...but if there is a problem, I'm always here to help."she said and smiled "thanks Lucinda!"I said a ran out of the shop, and headed home.

*at home*

This was going to me gooood MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I quickly added potions together and mixed stuff and make a werewolf potion. And then I quickly stirred another stick in a caldron and done! Phew* that took a long time.

(Zane's pov)

"Hey! Zane! Do you think that y/n will get us back?"garroth said hesitating "Maybe?"I said "even if she dose she's a girl...not better than us boys!"Laurence said as I gave him a death stare. That's mean and rude. But not like I care.....at all....totally. "Y..yeah I guess so."Garroth said agreeing. But just then y/n Broke down the door. *SMASH* "AGGH!"we all said in unison. "MWAHAHAHA! Prepare for my ultimate prank!!!"she said throwing potions everywhere. And soon....we were in a box....as werewolfs. "I KNEW THIS WAS A BAD IDEA!!!"garroth said "THATS WATS YOUS GETS!"y/n said "I told you I'd get you back." "Oh god."I said as me an Garroth looked at Laurence. "What?"Laurence said "You did this Laurence...and you are the one that tried to encourage me by saying she's a girl what can she do...WELLL TAKE A LOOK!"garroth said "YOU WHATTTTT?!?!?!?"y/n screamed "uhhhh....."Laurence said by now he would run away...but we were in a box. "Garroth agreed!"Laurence said "REALLY LAURENCE!!"Garroth said "well you definitely deserved this then! HAHAHAHAHAH! "This is going to be a looooooong day."I said but I was pranked by y/n...I didn't know she could laugh like that...that was amazing. "Shut up! I have an idea."I said

( Y/N pov )

HAHAHAHHAHA! That was EPIC!!! I wonder what Zane thought of it...well the box is breakable so...I hope they do know that.... I left.

*2 hours later*
I went back, I heard no text or anything from them....hmmm....I looked around..."Hello?"I said but no one answered..."Heeeello?"I said more louder but still no response. Hmmm I took a glance at the box...still closed? My heart skipped a beat...
'What if there dead'
'Are they dead'
'Surly there not dead'
And too my surprise I started crying. Tears fell down my cheeks as I thought I killed zane and his brothers. I couldn't have...I took another glance around the place...but then a box covered me and I got dark."Hey! Who turned of the lights!"I said "No one did HAHAHAHAHAHA! Your prank backfired!"someone said and then I recognized that voice..."Laurence?"I said confused.this is weird..."THIS IS UNBELIEVABLE MY PRANKS NEVER BACKFIRE!!!!"I said with annoyance. "Ha! Well it was all Zane's idea!"Laurence said "Z...Zane's idea?"I said shuddering "I...is he good at pranks?"I asked "Yeah? But I'm at his level."Laurence said "you said this was Zane's idea right...hehe.."I said smirking "yeah?Why?"Laurence said "BECAUSE IT BACKFIRED!!!"I said and completely destroyed the box. "HAHAHAHAHA!"I said and everyone was looking at me like they saw something so magical. Then I looked down and saw that I was flying! WAIT?! no no no! This is impossible . "U...uhh" I said and everyone looked at me stunned especially Zane.

(Zane's pov)

Y/n w...was flying "h...how are you doing that." I asked still stunned waiting for an answer. "Potions duuuhhh"Laurence said. "Y...yeah potions!"she said her voice getting straighter. "Oh okay phew* I thought I was going crazy!"garroth said
She fell down. I assumed that the potion wore of. Everyone straitened up. "Well anyways....YOUR BACKFIRE BACKFIRED!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAH!"she said forgetting any of this happened. And soon enough we all were just chilling on the couch watching Netflix. Be we're chilling for about an hour...getting to know each other when suddenly my throat gets dry..."guys is it okay if I get some water?"i asked everyone agreed. I got up heading for the kitchen, and grabbed a drink...

This chapter was not as long as the others but okay!
;) 9 4 8 words

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