"Come here i have a suprise."

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(Y/N'S pov)

Phew* that was so close! But now it's time to get ready! I have 3hours so I should probably get started.
2hour later okay I'm done I look nice! but I should have a scarf. I don't like showing myself without my scarf. *Knock* *knock* "huh? Who is it?"I ask "EEEEE ITS APHMAU AND KAWAII~CHAN ALSO KATELYN"Aphmau says "oh-no" I say as I check for my phone,not here. "Knock knock?"I ask "who's there" they all say in illusion. "Goaway"I say "Goaway who?" Aphmau says "Go Away." I say "WHYYYYY WE WANT TO HELP!"they all say in Illusion. "Help what?" I ask pretending not to know what there talking about. "Help with the date!"Katelyn says "WHAAAAAAAAAAAAATTTTTTTTTTT?!!!?!?!"I scream "A DATE?! NO NO NO, ITS NOT A....A DATE?! ITS JUST A HANG OUT!!! NOTHING SPECIAL JUST GOING TO THE MALL THATS IT."I say really nervous now he didn't say a date! "OPEN THIS DOOR MISSY"Lucinda says "Lucinda?" I say confused "open it or I'll cast a disappearing spell!"Lucinda says "AGH NO!"I said quickly opening the door. But when I opened it she threw it on me "AGH"I screamed "oh no"Lucinda said 
I opened my eyes and then I was in a creep dimension, it was dark fear everywhere coming towards me by all sides. "LUCKLY I BROUGHT MY POTIONS,LUCINDA!" I screamed not willing for her to hear. Okay.....*splash* everything started to get really weird, and I herd a whisper "Cooooommmmmmmmeeeee heeeeeerrrrreeeeeee." It started "IIIIIIIIIIII Haaaaaavvvvvvvvveeeeeeeee a supppppprrrrrrriiiiiizzzzsseee" it finished "why would I listen to a whisper? Isn't the kinda ironic, oh the irony please stop." I say "Iiiiiiii ammmmm a figment of your mind! MWAHHAHAHHAaaaaaaa" it says "ummmm okay? Why would I listen to a strange thing in my mind, I don't even know were you are? How can I know your safe....."I started but then I realized the potion in my hand,"the voice" oh well I cant listen to "the voice" aka if you don't know who it is it is from Minecraft five nights at Freddy's! Go check it out!!
"Okay wrong potion, but this I will need help from Lucinda when I get back to get rid of you!"I screamed to the voice "no you won't because you won't get back"the voice says "w....what do you mean?"I say in fear "come hereeee and you shall seee the wrath of meeee."the voice says "ummm your not a real person" I said "foxy even knows your weak."I say "humf rumors fly by don't they, why don't you take a seat?"the voice says "where....." a seat pops up."oh..."I say "when? Where? Why?" I say but then the voice says "No worries except for one....You're not getting out of here EVER okay"
Oh crud.....I hate the voice. "Excuse me, Miss.Voice I need you to tell me if your real or not!!!"I say "oh hush would you child, I have my ways to work."the voice says "WHAATATATATTATATAT DID YOU JUST CALL ME?! A CHILD?! I HAVE YOU KNOW IM......."I was going to say my age when I realized I don't want to do that. "Ummm excuse me your what?"The voice says "IM OLDER THEN YOU" I say "well then are you....*splash"she says as she trows a kid potion on me. This is going to be a looooooong day.

(Lucindas pov)
"Uh-oh"I say THIS IS NOT GOOD!!! IM FREEEKING OUT THE THE THE POTION THE THE THE THE THE THE THE DOOR!!!"I SCREAMED oh no she is in the dimension of nothingness the only way to get out is to use the potion...oh I hope she isn't in to much trouble. "What.....just.....happened?"Katelyn said "uhh......nothing"I said
This is going to be a looooooong day. Then I saw zane coming over...oh no "uhh guys what are you doing here? And we're is y/n?" He asks "umm okay I'll tell you from the start." I told him how we came over and she was getting ready and I told him how we "stole" her phone and how I threw the potion. All that stuff. "YOU WHHHAAAAAATTTTTT?!!?? So you're telling me she is stuck in a potion?" Zane asks frustrated, but also embarrassed. "Yes, kinda.... she is actually in the dimension of nothingness. And she is probably finnneeee nothing to worry about." I said "NOPE TELL ME WHAT I HAVE TO DO TO GET HER BACK!" Zane screamed. "Oh...um you have to. Well you have too....kinda....have to....go into the dimension and take this potion with you and splash it on you....and then you have to hold y/n hand and count to 3 and then it will tp you back to this dimension" I said looking in the book. "Okay splash the potion and give me the other potion" Zane said taking the items. Then I threw it.

(Zanes pov)
She threw it. Everything looked weird, I felt dizzy. Then I was here, it was dark with one chair in the middle and y/n on it,but as a kid?. "VOICE YOU LISTEN TO ME IF IM GOING TO LISTEN TO YOU, ITS LIKE TELLING ME TO JUMP OF THE BRIDGE!"y/n said "hehe looks like someone's here"a mysterious voice said. "Huh?" Y/n said and looked over to me."hey! Y/N I have come to s...." I said but then I remember the voice. ".....ave this cupcake for ya" I continue I drank the potion and held her hand....then I blushed...I was holding her hand! I looked over at her she was looking the other way I couldn't see her this hole time why? Well it is dark I can barely see her maybe that's it? I started to count...."1"I can't believe this is happening "2" I feels like the world is revolving around us. "3!!!" I finished and then everything was weird again POOF* we were home finally that was over. Then I looked over at y/n...she was so dizzy maybe cuz she was a kid. But then she regained her balance. Then she looked at me and gave me a peak on my cheek. "Thank you so much Zane!!! I hated that dimension....but I did get some good out of it! I always wondered where all the stuff goes when you trow a disappearing potion on it! But I'm so glad that's over." Y/N said and I was frozen. She was walking back...but then she froze.
I froze. I just realised...."I....I don't have my scarf...do I."I said hesitating I looked behind me and saw Katelyn, kawaii~chan, Aphmau,and the rest coming up to me and Zane. Oh god umm I cant let them see me without my scarf....uhhh.....I'm embarrassed!! "N...no"Zane said. "I...I'm doomed" I said "Hey y/n! Are you okay??!?!"Lucinda said. "Y....yeah I...I'm f.....fine"I said hesitating "J...just f...forgot s....something." "Umm what is it y/n~sempi? Kawaii~chan can help! Just tell kawaii~chan what it is!"kawaii-chan said "t..thanks KC but I...I got to do this myself b...b...."I tried to say but Zane picked me up and ran towards my house. "Aaghhhh" I screamed "I'm helping! I know what it feels like!"Zane said. "O...okay?!" I said
We were in front of the house, I opened the door...but I was stoped by...."EEEEEEEEE"all the girls said in illusion. They were fangirling...."THAT WAS AMAZING"Aphmau said I ran inside looking for a scarf....but I couldn't find one that would match...huh? Z...Zane's scarf? I matched perfectly....it fit perfectly....but why? I had to use it but Zane would notice...I changed my mind and took a pink one. I put it on and went outside. Then I looked in the mirror and I changed my mind Again.....I took Zane's replica scarf and looked at myself...I super blushed. I looked better? Without this seriously I can't...I wouldn't even go outside.
"HAY COMMON!! Y/N LET US IN!!!"Lucinda said "SUSH she is doing something so go away mk" Zane said. "Well, what exactly is she doing then?"Aphmau said "s..she is doing something" Zane said he had a little hesitation in his voice. Then I opened the door.
(Zane POV)
I cant believe I did that...what?! The door was opening....y/n!! "Y/n you look.....beautiful...I...I..don't even know what to say." I said well I said something so I guess I did say something...idk what I'm saying. She isn't a kid anymore so
That good "t..thanks"y/n said "W....wait a minute is that my scarf?!

To be continued...

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