🏵Talent show🏵

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(Y/N pov)
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! THAT WAS AMAZINNNGGGG!!! It was so funny! But....I'm not going to post the tape unless they say so. Cuz I don't know what they can do.

(The next day)

I woke up slamming the alarm clock button...bad idea I missed flopping onto the floor. "OOOOOWWWIIIIEEEE!"I screeched and I heard someone run upstairs?! Huh? "Y/N YOU OKAY??!!!"someone. Screamed as I jumped up. "PLZ DON'T HURT ME!"I screamed but it was just Lucinda."k?"she said "LUCINDA?! WHAT THE HECK ARE U DOING IN MY HOUSE?!"I said back. "Wow girl you need to calm down I just came here cuz...c-cuz I NEED HELP!"Lucinda screamed "W-what? From me?!" I said "YES! I need need need your help with the talent show...it's today. PLEASE"Lucinda begs. "Fine...BUT DON'T BREAK INTO MY HOUSE EVER AGAIN!!!"I yell "finnnnne" she says

^v^ five minutes of helping Lucinda later*

"Phew that took longer the expected" i said
"Yeah it takes lots of work"she answered "uhhhhhhhhhhh......" I moaned "what's a Talent show again?"I asked she gasped so loud that king Neptune himself could hear it. "Just show your talent, something that your good at."she said "okay." I replied
~time skip brought to you by 🥔 ~
I got to get ready...what am I good at though? Just then 'CRASHH' "WHAT ARE YOU GOOD AT" Garroth,larance,and Zane said in unison. "WHAT THE HECK!  You Broke my door!"I screamed "YOU ARE GOOD AT SO MANY THINGS FIRST OF ALL!" The said in unison again.

"Like what?give me a example."

"okay 1:gymnastics" Garroth said

"Also 2: Pranks and how you can't slip."Laurence replied

"3:how your so funny and you can sing so well. Oh also your good with potions, very pretty, and you have wonderful flexibility!"zane said.

"So you've been keeping track."I say looking at Zane especially. Zane's face sprinkled with red. Blush? Is he blushing!

"Thanks for all the advice Zane. I could do 100 acts on stage."I said sarcastic 
All the boys started laughing. Zane's face went red. I smiled.

"Oh I left one out your smile can light my mood." Zane said still blushing.

"Yeah,Yeah now I have to pick one of those things for the consent...I GOT IT!" I screamed

"WHAT!"they said in unison

"It's a surprise!  All of you have to leave though so I can practice!" I said shooing them away.
They all left. I rubbed my hands together. I smirked and started. I grabbed all the materials and grabbed my microphone.

I started singing
First thing first
ima say all the words inside my head.
I'm fired up and tired
Of the way that things have been
    Oh oh
The way that things have been
   Oh oh...
(2 minuets and 22 seconds later of a exhausting sing.)
"And finally... I need to tell someone...someone who made my life shine like the sun. The moments we spent together I love m you-"
Garroth, Laurence, and Zane barged threw the door. "ITS TIME!"Garroth said a ran with Laurence right behind him.

"Good luck."zane said and left. I packed up all the necessary things and started running the direction they were.

(At the talent show)
I gasped for air but I made it just in time..."first we will be having Zane, Laurence, and Garroth going up!" Aphmau spoke. I clapped followed by a lot of other people. WHAT! Other people!? I stood in shock. Laurence was...LYING?! Is this a prank? I was planning on saying that I love Zane. But I rather only say that In private.

The guys went on stage. Garroth took out a keyboard. Laurence took out a drum and Zane picked up the microphone.

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