⭐️House warming party! Part 1//PARTYY⭐️

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Pic of "Y/N" above but galaxy hair! 😝
(Kanika's pov)

DING! "AGH oh just a text"

Aphmau:Hey! Y/N party's today! It's in 3hours so see ya then! Just a little catch up..ya know if you're sleeping and all

Y/N: Oh, thanks! Also I was weirdly sleeping, AGH! 3:00?! Oh no I slept in a lot!

Aphmau-no worries just get ready! It's enough time! Good thing I texted you!

Y/N- Yeah, very good thing ok see ya then!

Phew, oml! If I missed the party! Bad! Ok so gotta look fancy! I'll brush, eat and then take a shower. Then I'll be good! Also, I was going to make something good for the party cuz they all had to leave and kawaii~chan will help too so gotta go to her house later. 2hours, then we go to Kawaii~Chans house! I will were a beautiful dress! A nice one with the scarf!
Time skip to 2hours later from Celestia's borking powers!*

Ok, kawaii~chain! *Ding Dong* ok I rang the doorbell. "Oh, hey Y/N~Sempie! Kawaii~chan thinks Y/N~sempie looks beautiful!"kawaii~chan says "well I think you look more beautiful" I say "oh my Irene!kawaii~chan forgot what a beautiful voice Y/N~Sempie has!"Kawaii~chan said "Thank you Kawaii~chan, now kawaii~chan we have to make the "dessert" remember?"I said "oh yeah! Kawaii~chan almost forgot! Y/N~sempie I'm sorry!" Kawaii~chan said "No worries I got this all under control I have all the ingredients at my house come on!"I say "Hehe,Kawaii~chan is ready!" Kawaii~chan says.
*At the house*
"Aaa ok kawaii~chan were at my house! We'll start baking. We have 1hour to go, it usually takes 30 minutes so I guess we have time!" I say "OH YESSSS Kawaii~Chan is excited!!!! What are we making Y/n~sempie? Cake,icecream,brownies,cookies?" kawaii~chan says. "Actually kawaii~chan were making a cake ice cream brownie cookie! Hehe! It's a nice top of for dessert! Let's start baking! And making the dessert!"I said. "Wow,Y/n~sempie! Kawaii~chan has never made something of this sort I hope it will be easy!"kawaii~chan says "it will!"I say
*20 minutes later*
"AGH! KAWAII~CHAN THE OVEN OPEN IT HURRY!"I say in a panic she wasn't paying attention to it. "OH! Y/N~Sempie! I'm sorry! Kawaii~chan will get it!"Kawaii~chan says in a hurry. "Phew, oh my Irene if I wasn't paying attention to that it would have ruined the hole...."I tried to finish but kawaii~chan says "Y/N~SEMPIE THE STOVE HURRY!" Oh no! I forgot! "AGH OK I GOT IT PHEW!"I said calming down. "Y/N~sempie! This is not easy for kawaii~chan! Is it almost ready?!"kawaii~chan says tired. "Yeah just 10 more minutes......KAWAII~CHAN THE SECOND OVEN!"I say in a panic "AGH OK KAWAII~CHAN GOTS THIS!"kawaii~chan says.

*10 more minuets later*
"Ok,almosttt done just gotta mix this, and kawaii~chan get the whip cream!"I say "ok kawaii~chan will get the whip cream Y/N~Sempie!" Kawaii chan says. We put on the whip cream and head over to Aphmau's! Okay!
*Ding Dong!* I rang to doorbell! "EEEEE! KAWAII~CHAN IS EXCITED! Y/N~sempie do you think they will like it kawaii~chan thinks Y/N~Sempie did the most of it though."kawaii~chan says. "I don't know, but you still were really helpful. My mom always said two people are always better then one!"i said. "Wow Y/N~sempie! You are so inspirational! Kawaii~chan loves how inspirational you are!"kawaii~chan says. "Well thank you...."I tried to finish "uhh guys,what is that?!"Aphmau says. "Oh! This um kawaii~chan and me made a CakeIceCreamBrownieCookie! Hehe!"I said "what the heck is Cake Ice cream brownie cookie?"aphmau says. "It's right in front of you Aphmau~kun. Kawaii~chan was told that it was a home made recipe!"kawaii~chan says. "Well then come in!"aphmau says.
Once we go in everyone looked hungry when they saw it. Well who wouldn't! I set it on the table, it looked like this:

 Well who wouldn't! I set it on the table, it looked like this:

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(If it looks yummy vote this! And comment yum!)
Ok so. Everyone rushed over! Wow, I didn't know that they liked it so much."Guys calm down! I split it in half!!"I said
"Wow Y/N~sempie! I didn't know they would like kawaii~chan and y/N~sempie's food so much! EEEEE! Kawaii~chan is happy!"kawaii~chan says! "Yeah, well once I brought this to school and...boy was my lunch table going crazy! I dose look yummy but I don't know what's up with it!"I said "Oh,WOW this is delicious! How in the world?"zane said  "hehe thanks zane kawaii~chan and me worked really hard,right kawaii~chan?"I said looking over too kawaii~chan. "Yesh kawaii~chan and y/n~sempie tok thirty minutos!"kawaii~chan says with a full mouth."hehe I guess it is good.I guess I try it too."I say cutting a slice for me. I take a bite and say "WOW THIS IS DELICIOUS YUM! I NEVER NEW THIS TASTED ANYTHING THIS GOOD?! I NEVER GET TO TRY MY FOOD BECAUSE MY MOM SAID I MAKES ME TOO HYPER, BUT I DON'T THINK SO!"I say very excited! "WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO NEXT! IM EXCITED TELL ME TELL ME APH!!!!"I said! "Wow,omg I never knew someone could get that hyper. But if you insist hehe we're going to play Truth or D..."aph started "OMG TRUTH OR DARE THAT SONDS FUNN! I CANT WAIT!"I say still excited. "Ok pffff"aphmau says trying to keep a secret,hmm I wonder what she's planing. "Aphmau seriously don't go
too far.."zane says "uhh guys kawaii~chan thinks Y/N~sempie is sleeping"kawaii~chan says "zzzzzzz.....zzzzzzzzz.....zzzzzzz"I slept "Too hyper?" Aph says. "WAKE UP!"Katelyn screams "huh...AGGHH uh oh hey katlen!"I said "hey, y/n wassup?"katlen says "I had no idea  you could scream that loud though" "uhhhh"I say "ok let's just get ready to start."Aphmau says

___________________Thanks yous for reading ________________
Word count:1,069

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