💖SLEEPOVER💖//🤡Killer clown prank?🤡 The shrink prank fail

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(Y/N pov)
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'Am I crazy?'
'Heeeee proooooobbbbaaaaabbbllllyyyyy dooooosssseeeennnnt likkkkeeeee yooooouuu'
'Oh yeah you now another worry'
'I toldddd yoouuuuu, yoooouuu willll neverrrrr escapeeee'
'Will you shut up? Ever!'
'Would you ever stop thinking? Ever!'
'Haha but you totally love Zane!!! Zane and y/n sitting in a tree k-I-s-s-I-n-g!'
'Shut up, I don't love him! But he's probably a good kisser...AGH what am I saying?!'
'You likeeee him!'
'SHUT UP before I make you'
'Okay! okay!!'
I shook away the thoughts and concentrated on Zane..."Hey Zane are you sure about me staying? If Your not comfortable I could just sleep on the floor...I did that most of the time when I was little...talking about having 2 older sisters and a younger brother also I won't forget my smallest sister that stayed at my grandmas but is coming home,she's only three but she's fun! Her name is Chloe she is so adorable...."I stopped and then realized I was blabbering. "Oops sorry about blabbering!"I said flushing red with embarrassment. "Hey don't worry y/n, it's okay...just calm down...also you don't have to sleep on the floor....?"Zane said "oh thanks."I said "so what do you want to do..."Zane started but Garroth brakes down the door! "OH MY IRENE WHAT THE HECK GARROTH?!"I screamed because of his appearance it's so stupid and weird why the heck did he do that?! "LITTLE BROTHER I HAVE SOMETHING VERY IMPORTANT TO TELL YOU...Wait why is Y/N here?!"Garroth said "uhh she's sleeping over"Zane said "Oh, well this is my time to properly meet you. My name is Garroth Ro'meave,nice to meet you, you look stunning today."Garroth said at least he wasn't saying it in a flitting way. WAIT! "ZANES LAST NAME IS RO'MEAVE?! Why didn't you tell me this Zane?"I asked surprised. "Well anyway ZANE, THE KILLER CLOWN ESCAPED PRISON!! THEY SAID THERE HIDDING IN THE WOODS NEXT TO OUR HOUSE!!"Garroth said. "W...WAIT WHAAAAAAAAAATTTTTTTT???? A....a c....c....c.....c.....clown?!!?!?!?!"I screamed "YEP!! LOCK YOUR DOORS!!"Garroth said but Zane didn't look worried. Or I couldn't see it beyond his mask. I was freaking out!! A clown? In the forest. Thoughts rambled in my head.
'What if it comes for me'
'What if it goes for Zane?'
'What if it kills everyone'
'HA HA Affair of a little clown?'
'Technically, yes'
'haha ScaredyCat'
'Am not'
'You are'
'Okay fine but you are scared'
I have to admit I was scared, but I just didn't want to tell the voice because she is a stupid head. Anyways, I have to ask Lucinda about this, hopefully she has a way by this week...I don't want an idiot like the voice ever to be in my head. But, it was kinda my fault in a way...for not looking at the bottle I took out. Anyway,I knew I should've stayed in bed today...it probably wants me."what are the chances it will come to us...like zero right?"I said freaking out!!! "Actually it might go for the house in the woulds three children live there though so I guess there goners." Garroth said I sank down on the bed. My hair turning lighting pink....trying to calm myself down, but only making it worse!! "You okay y/n? Is there something wrong?"Zane asked he wasn't ever one step of being worried?! Why???? "Y...yeah." I said still freaking out. My hair was turning pink and blond and a little bit of green after another. I don't know what emotion I am scared or nervous?! Even sick! Oh god! I'm freaking out!! "Hey Zane, umm can you come here for a sec." Garroth said. Oh crud don't leave me hear alone...its scary.

(Zane's pov)
I closed the door. "Garroth are you sure this is a safe idea, she might have a heart attack!"I said "Hey, wasn't my idea, it was Laurence's remember...he's putting on the costume right now!"Garroth said "oh yeah, well this will be fun..."I said "yeah... okay remember the plan, play dead! And I put fake blood over you and Laurence will come with the fake knife! And do the creepy giggle, hehee this will be fun!"Garroth said "I never thought I say this but, let's do this big brother!"I said. "BOO!"Laurence screamed "AGHHHH!"Garroth said and landed into my arms. "GET OFF ME GARROTH!!"I said. He can be very annoying at times. "Okay, remember the plan okay."Laurence said "Yep, lay down Zane!! I'll poor fake blood on you!" Garroth said "okay,okay"I said laying down, this way going to be good! "Do the laugh!" Garroth said and Laurence cleared his throat, "Hehehehehehhehehe!"

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