Chapter 13

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A/N if you vote/comment I will die, reincarnate as a unicorn and then come find you and give you a hug. If that isn't a reason to, then I don't know what is.

The following weekend there was a trip to Hogsmead and Darren was worried that Sami wouldn't want to go with him. They didn't exactly make their relationship public, and walking around Hogsmead together might make people talk.

Joey on the other hand was convinced the world had ended. The saturday morning Darren pulled back the curtains around Joey's bed to find him curled up in a ball, clutching his pillow to his chest while his sheets were screwed up at his feet. He had clearly been tossing and turning all night. Seven empty packs of Redvines lay scattered across his bed.

"Joey, get up, it's the Hogsmead trip today," Darren said groggily, rubbing his eyes. When Joey didn't move he sighed and grabbed his sheets, yanking them from his bed with a flourish.

Joey didn't move. "Dude, come on!" Darren said, taking hold of one of Joey's feet and pulling him. Joey slid off the bed slowly, onto the floor, collapsing in a heap. Darren let go of his foot and gave him a poke with his toe. "Seriously man, this isn't normal behaviour. You're acting like Garfield on a monday."

"She knows I love her, she knows. I'm so screwed," Joey whined from the floor.

"We don't know that for certain. Have you talked to her since?" There was a silence when Joey shook his head.

"See? She's probably forgotten everything by now," said Darren, taking off his pyjamas and throwing on his weekend clothes; some jeans and his favourite pink plaid shirt. "Besides if you don't get up soon, all the waffles will be gone..."

Joey stood up immediately, instantly awake at the thought of his beloved waffles being eaten. He started towards the dorm room door and made his way quickly down the stairs that lead to the common room.

"Joey! Wait!" Darren called, "You're only wearing your underwear!" There were some distant high pitched screams and something that sounded like a smack when Joey darted back up the stairs and into their dorm room again.

"Thanks buddy," he said as he rifled through his drawers for his pants and waffle-eating shirt.


It was ten o'clock when the whole of the seventh year was gathered in the entrance way, ready to be allowed out to Hogsmead. It was a beautiful sunny day, and the students couldn't wait to get out of the castle. Darren was stood next to a very pale looking Joey. Bonnie wasn't standing with them, she was with some other students.

"You okay bud?" Darren asked. Joey shook his head as he watched Bonnie laugh at a joke that Joe Walker had just told. Joe was always showing off in front of girls, flexing his muscles and what not.

"I don't think I'm going to go to Hogsmead. I think I'll just go back up to our dorm room and-"

"No, come on, it's not that bad!" Darren said. If Joey left him, he'd be alone all day, his other friends were staying in to catch up on all the homework they hadn't done.

"I just can't take it Darren. Every time I see her I get these pains in my chest, and I just know it's her fault, that bitch," he said. "I think I'm gonna go curl up in my sock drawer and sleep. I'll see you later."

And with that, Joey walked through the crowd of students to the staircase and Darren watched in dismay as Joey trudged up them, not looking back. Darren sighed, he really needed to talk to Bonnie about this.


A few hours later and Darren was sat in the Three Broomsticks on his own, sipping a butterbeer, when an enchanted paper plane gently landed on his table. He set his beer down and unfolded the plane cautiously.

meet me behind Tallulah's Teashop, -Sami xox

Darren smiled to himself and pocketed the note, downed the last of his butterbeer, left a few coins on the table and walked out, a new excitement buzzing through him. He walked down the cobbled streets of Hogsmead, it really was a beautiful day. The warmth was balanced out with a perfect cool breeze.

He found Tallulah's and walked inside. It was frilly and warm, the tableclothes were lined with white lace and everyone was drinking tea from floral, gold-rimmed cups.

He sneaked round the back of the counter when Tallulah (a plump, friendly old woman with rosy cheeks and cherry red lips) was serving a table and snuck through the emergency exit that lead to the back. He opened the door and stepped out. He turned left, his heart pounding with anticipation of seeing the girl he had been thinking about all day when he was met by, not Sami, but...

"Lauren!?" Darren jumped back in surprise. Lauren was leaning against the brick wall that was the back of Tallulah's, her arms were folded across her chest and her right hand held her wand.

"Hi, Darren. I see you got my note," she said, flicking her brown hair across one shoulder. Her caramelized eyes burning into his, her voice sickly sweet and innocent.

"What the hell are you doing?" Darren instinctively pulled his own wand from his jean pocket and held it up threateningly.

Lauren stepped away from the wall and faced Darren. "I'm here for a chat," she said.

"Whatever you have to say, I don't want to hear it," said Darren fiercly, starting to walk away.

"It's about Sami."

Darren stopped.

"What about her?" He asked, turning to face her again. Lauren smiled and looked up at Darren through her long lashes.

"That got your attention didn't it..." she said as she turned her wand in her hands.

"Stop being an ass and get to the point, Lopez," Darren snarled.

"Fine. You need to stop seeing her. Ever."

Darren scoffed. "You can't make me do anything!"

"Oh really?" Lauren took a step closer. "I think you'll find I can be very.... controlling."

"You can't control me. Me and Sami are together. Get over yourself." Darren stepped closer, getting angry.

"I'll tell people that you two are together. You wouldn't want that would you? A Gryffindor and a Slytherin. They just don't go together..."

"People are bound to find out at some point anyway. It doesn't bother me," he said.

"Then I'll make sure that Sami will never want to be in the same room as you again. I can turn her against you. I can be quite the persuader. " Lauren took another step forward. They were close now, Lauren's eyes were still boring into his.

"I honestly doubt that." Darren narrowed his eyes, although inside, he was getting worried.

"That's why she didn't come to Hogsmead today. Trust me, I always get what I want," Lauren moved closer again, their noses were almost touching. Darren felt a white hot hate for Lauren burn in his stomach. If Lauren so much as laid a finger on Sami, he would crush her.

"And what is it that you want?" He asked angrily.

Before Darren knew what was happening Lauren took hold of Darren's shoulders and she crashed her lips against his.

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