A Case of Nerves

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Detective Inspector Corrigan slammed the interview room door behind him. "God preserve us from idiots like that!"

"Would you like a cup of tea?" Detective Sergeant Beaulieu asked. He had worked with Corrigan long enough to recognise the signs. The inspector was at the end of his tether and needed something to distract him before he lost his temper.

"Tea?" Corrigan glared at the sergeant. "After what I've just gone through?"

"I'm buying," Beaulieu said. "My treat." He started down the corridor to the station canteen. Corrigan followed him.

"I've had enough of that man," Corrigan went on. "I mean, how can he be so stupid?"

Beaulieu nodded sympathetically. "Difficult one is he?" He looked around the canteen for an empty table, and steered Corrigan towards it.

"You wouldn't believe!" Corrigan sat down and buried his head in his hands. It was a full minute before he felt sufficiently composed to look up again. "It's the Donnegan boy."

Beaulieu placed two cups of tea on the table and sat down opposite his superior officer. "Wee Arthur? Sure he's just simple."

Corrigan picked up one of the cups and cradled it, enjoying the feeling of warm china in his hands. "Simple is putting it mildly. All he has to do is tell me which one of his brothers gave him the crates of whiskey, and I'll believe him. I mean, the lad hasn't got the brains to lie. But whoever it was must have put the fear of God into him. Every question I ask, he just says 'I forgot'. It's frustrating." Corrigan sat back and stared at the fluorescent lights in the ceiling above.

Beaulieu took a sip of tea. "I think you're trying too hard, sir. Do you want me try?"

"Go on. You can't do any worse than I did."

Corrigan closed his eyes and let the warmth of the tea relax him. It felt good just to sit in the canteen and listen to the other officers gossiping. At least he didn't have to listen to Arthur Donnegan's continual whining and pleading. Even the memory of what had gone on in the interview room made Corrigan shudder. No. Just drink your tea and try not to think about going back and starting again.

"It was Connor."

"What?" Corrigan put his cup down. "How did you find that out?"

Beaulieu ignored him. "Connor threatened Arthur - told him that if he let on then he would give him a beating, but if the whiskey was still there in the morning then he would give Arthur a bottle all to himself. If we hurry, we can get to the lockup in time to catch him."

Corrigan stood up. "Let's go then." He paused. "But how did you get Arthur to talk?"

"I just asked him what was wrong. Eventually he got round to telling me. I just had to listen."

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