Chapter 20

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Looking around at the magic I just did to this trashy ass house, I cockily smirked. This house was so dirty and an hour later it became spotless all because of me. Raymond seriously needs to stop inviting everybody over all the time. Everybody and their moms be over here and I hate it. I wanna be at home in peace not have a family reunion. Ima have to talk to him about that.

"Damn I can finally see da' floor in here." August mumbled as he came down the steps rubbing his eyes. My poor baby wasn't feeling good, so I gave him some NyQuil and that knocked his ass right out. He slept almost throughout the whole day.

"I know right. But you feeling better?" I asked as I felt his forehead which was still burning up. I hated when people got sick.

"Barely, but that nap wuh' much needed doe'." He shrugged like he's not hotter than hell right now.

"You want to go to the hospital August?" I asked for the 100th time today. He kept saying he was fine, but no the hell he was not. He looked like he could pass out any minute. He looked pale and everything.

"I'm fine babeh', don't stress bout' it." He assured me as I sighed before plopping down on the couch.

"I'm sorry, I just don't like seeing you like this." Pulling me on his lap, he wrapped his arm around my waist and sat his head in the crook of my neck.

"I gotta go visit my momma, wanna come wit' me?" He asked as I sucked my teeth. He knew I hated planes.

"August, I hate planes. Don't go, pleaseeee." I begged as he sighed and ran his hands over his face.

"Raye, I miss my momma." He said  as I groaned. I hated when he left me. He did too, but hewas missing his momma like crazy and he told her he'd  come visit. He talks about her almost everyday. I would love to meet her, but I'm not getting on no damn plane.

POINT.BLANK.PERIODT. It would be different if she could come down here, but August always wants to go down there because of the food and the rest of his family.

"I miss mines too but you don't see me complaining." I said with an attitude.  I know I just made this awkward as fuck now. He probably doesn't know what to say. I told him that when Raymond and I got away from our dad, we lost contact with our momma.

"Why you gotta bring dat' up? Dats' a whole different situation." He said as I sucked my teeth.

"Fine, go I don't care." I  said as she removed myself from off hislap.

"Yo, you bein' real selfish. Chill out, ion' wanna argue witcha'. Can you help me pack?" I rolled my eyes and snatched the keys out of his hands. Making sure he had everything, we got in the car and I sped off to his house. The whole car ride was silent but I didn't mind. I wasn't really in the mood to talk cause I was mad that he was leaving and nothing was going to change his mind.

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