9. Perfect lunch.

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Today was a now day. in London. Waking up every morning With a good smile on my face. Cooking breakfast for my two lovely young boy and husband. Who Just turned four The other day. And he just turned 50. Feeling so relaxed and so peaceful. Packing up peanuts lunch for school. It's his favorite. Peanut butter jelly sandwich & chips & cheeses & Cup of juice. And for Simon's lunch. He gets a bologna sandwich. With a chef salad & A bag of cookies shaped like Adele's pussy."" In a picture of Adele in Angelo in his lunch box. To remember them by when he goes to work.

Now for me. She said feeling very tired. I am going to take me a five hour nap. And after that, I will go and to the grocery store. And pick up some groceries. For Angelo's lunch tomorrow.
and again for Simons. But I'm gonna put more than just my love i'm going to make him some tits cookies and a bag of my cum. A cum-bag.

So Adele's puts Angelo's lunch in his lunchbox. And again with Simon's. Lunch. She puts his in his Barbie lunchbox. He loves Barbie. He calls Adele his Sexy time Dick eating Barbie.

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