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I mean what's not to love? They are giant beasts that could easily mow me over but somehow decided​ I'm a pretty chill person, or something of the sort, and carry me around on their backs.

Either way I love them to pieces and would murder someone for hurting one. Y'all didn't hear that though, Kay? Kay.

I see horses as having this amazingly beautiful soul and ability to connect so deeply with another animal (us humans) even though communication is solely relying on our ability to look past ourselves. If you ever get to know the joy, or see it, in the bond between a horse and Rider I hope you note the understanding and love there.

I honestly like animals in general more than people, but bring horses in and y'all don't stand a chance. Sorry bout ya, but c'mon it's horses. I can honestly say I would risk bodily harm for most animals and near death for a horse. I have this immense respect, protectiveness, and love for the animals. Horses truly mean happiness to me, and raise very strong emotions from within. The sight of a happy horse can pull me out of any funk just as the sight of one that has been mistreated can send me into a cold killing rage.

For some, especially y'all city dwellers, this is a stupid or unfathomable thing. I mean they're just dumb beasts right? Wrong, no animal is 'just' something. We rely on animals to help us survive in many different ways and that is something people need to understand.

Sorry about the slight rant, I was looking for pics of horses and saw some ones that made my ire rise. Anyway just a bit of a tangent about my love of horses. I promise I'll do other topics, I'm just in a horse-y state of mind.  Anyway thoughts? And thank you for reading, or should I say suffering through my horse crazy mind.

FYI the following is gonna be a lot of horse pics. Consider yourself warned. I have zero self control 😂😂😂.

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