Chapter 7

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Chapter 7 ;


My eyes slowly opened and just like the previous mornings arms were around me. Not that I was complaining. "It's Friday it's Friday gotta get down on Friday." I heard Niall mumble into my ear. I chuckled and dug myself deeper in his arms.

You know you'd think this would be weird seeing as we just met a couple of days ago but ever since the first time it just kinda felt normal, even if the first time we didnt like eachother -not that we do now? I really don't know where we stand honestly.

"Do we have to go to school?" I whined.

"We could pretend to be sick."

"Yeah because both of us being sick at the same time wouldn't look suspicious." Niall started to make some awful sounds and I turned around quickly to see if he was alright, the sounds he was making didn't really sound human like. "I don't feel so good, I think it was all the popcorn we ate last night." He groaned.

"Do you want me to make you some tea?" I asked a bit worriedly then he put his hand over his mouth and proceeded to gag. I stood up quickly. "Do you need a bin?" I asked frantically not really knowing what to do. All he did was shake his head and laugh.

"No, Zayn I'm fine. I was just showing you how to fake being sick." I glared at him and hit him playfully.

"You ass you had me worried sick. No pun intended." He chuckled.

"Why were you worried sick?"

"Because.." I replied not really knowing why. I faked coughed. And then coughed again. "I think I'm coming down with something." Niall shook his head dissapointedly.

"I bet your mum never let you stay home from school." I shook my head sadly knowing he was saying I was terrible at pretending. "Anyways do you really not want to go to school?"

"There's only one day left, I think I can make it." I said looking around the room for my clothes.

"Okay. Well ill wait down stairs." He got out of bed and just put something random on. Then he did something unexpected -he hugged me. "I'm here if you need me." I gave a small smile and with that he went down stairs.

I got changed and slung my backpack over my shoulder and headed down stairs myself. "Morning sweetheart." Mrs Horan said. She hugged me and I hugged back.

"Lets go babe." I heard Niall say. I turned to look at him with a raised eyebrow and he had a smirk on his lips. He clapped his hands. "Lets go." I went over to him and slapped his shoulder playfully.

"So you guys are dating now?" We looked at eachother.

"Something like that." Niall said with a smile. He put an arm around my shoulder and we headed out the front door.

As we walked the words he said kept replaying in my head and I didn't speak up till we were at the railroad tracks. It's like they were a part of us now.

"So were dating now?" I questioned him. He smiled a bit.

"Only if you want to." He shrugged.

"Is this you asking because you feel sorry-" I was cut off by some lips on mine. His lips moved slowly and mine of course followed his pace. I was so caught up in the moment I didn't want to pull away but of course someone had to pull away, so he pulled away slowly.

"It's me asking because I like you." He whispered moving some hair from my face.


"Okay. Yes?" I nodded. He entwined our fingers. His skin pale next to mine, although his tattoos added colour to the combination. And we were walking again. This time I had a smile on my face.

On the grounds of school everyone was starring at us. "Wow, now your dating." I turned to see Liam. I let go of Nialls hand hesitantly.

"What do you want from me Liam? I already told you I can't be the person you want me to be and I won't ever so what's with you always juding me because I'm hanging out with Niall?"

"Just the fact that I thought you were my friend, but I guess you're not since you're hanging out with my bully." He shrugged.

"Liam." I said.

"No, No, it's okay, go and be with your boy toy." He said rolling his eyes.

"He's not my boy toy?" Niall stood next to me now.

"Whats your problem ey mate? What I did to you isn't his fault so why are you taking it on him." He looked down as if he were thinking about it. He sighed.

"As much as I hate to say this he's right. Zayn. I'm sorry."

"I do want to be friends." I piped up. He smiled and gave me a brotherly hug.

"Alright that's enough, lets get to class." Niall said pulling me away from Liam and into a protective grasp. I chuckled.

"Ill see you at lunch?" I questioned with a hopeful tone.

"Yeah." He answered with a smile.


And so that's how it went. We met at lunch. Niall sitting by me and Liam sitting infront of us, talking aimlessly about some girl. "So when did you two become a thing?" He asked all of a sudden.

"Just this morning." I shrugged.

"Yep." Niall said with a small smile on his face.

"Right. So anyways.. What about Louis and Harry?"

"What about them?" Niall said aggrivatedly.

"You guys aren't friends anymore?" He said with a smirk.

"What's your fucking problem Liam?" I said slamming my fists on the table as I stood up.

"What? I didn't do anything." He said playing innocent.

"Look, I said we could be friends but if you're gonna act that way we can't be, come on Niall." I grabbed his arm and we were walking away.

"So where we going?"

"I don't know where do you wanna go?"

"To the end of the earth with you." He answered pulling me into a hug and for once I didn't let anything bother me.


I'm sorry these chapters are coming out short, I got sort of a writers block. Dx.

Question ; Do you think Niall and Larry will be friends again :o

Check out ; Breaking Through Limits by helloimjuliana xx

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