Chapter Seven

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Sorry it's taken me so long to upload. I've been working on a couple different stories so hopefully I can get back into uploading faster. Thanks for reading!


“You know you look like the typical female longing to wisp away by some Prince Charming.”

Yvain rolled her eyes. “Good morning Veren.” She had been sitting on a rock on her cliff sketching the ocean around her. “Why don’t you come sit with me?”

“Are we friends now?” he asked with a smirk. Yvain glanced over at him and saw he was wearing his typical black pants and boots but now he wore a clean green tunic and hugged his chest, making his eyes look like storm clouds rolling over hills. A sword hung from his left hip and Yvain was surprised. He always looked good but now he looked more than good.

“I would like to think so.” She tried to keep her voice level. The last thing she wanted was for Veren to get a bigger head and she knew if he knew what she was thinking it would only bust his ego, which didn’t need to get any bigger. “I mean you do stalk me enough.”

“Well how can I refuse you when you look as beautiful as you do now?” He sat down next to her and she was glad her dress covered herself. She wore a tight white dress that reached up around her throat but was cut deep in the back. Her arms were bare but all over the rest of her body was tight white cloth showing her curves. For one of the rare times her hair was pinned up on her head, leaving a small part of her back bare.

“Thank you.” She smiled and turned back to the water.

Veren took the journal from Yvain’s lap. “What are you drawing?” He raised an eyebrow at the drawing? “You can draw.”

She finally looked down at her work and was surprised to see she had drawn eyes above the water, up in the clouds. She didn’t have to look at them to know they were Veren’s eyes because she had been thinking about him while she had been drawing. His eyes were dark and brooding like he was much of the time.

“Maybe you feel like someone is always watching you.”

She laughed. “Probably because someone is normally watching me.” She set her pin down and turned her face up to the sun, enjoying the warmth of the rays. “You’re here if that tells you anything.”

“And I saw you’re little friend isn’t. I saw him running out of town. You scare him off?”

“More like you did and the realization that I will never love him. He got scared and ran off, unable to deal with it.”

He chuckled. “Well just goes to show he wasn’t worthy of you. Anyone that runs with his tail between his legs like that isn’t worth anything.” He handed her back the journal. “But you can draw. I really like the eyes.”

‘Of course you would,’ she thought, ‘they’re your eyes.’ “Thank you.” Yvain took her journal back. “I actually came to draw the boats but I always find myself drawing the sea and the sky. It’s as if I want to fly.”

Veren shrugged. “Sometimes it’s good to be tied down to the earth.” He moved so his head laid in her lap. Yvain was shocked by the sudden easy Veren was using around her. Maybe after there little connection last time he was opening up to her.

“How come you’re always out here? Don’t most humans like it stay in the city walls? I mean you’re barely ever in there.” He motioned to the city.

There was that word, human. As if he wasn’t one. “Yeah I’ve never really liked it. Up here it’s like being part of a different world. I like the wind and the way it feels. My skin feels uneasy when I don’t feel the wind.” She rubbed her arm without thinking about it and Veren chuckled.

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