Chapter Nine

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Sitting on the ledge Yvain looked out over the city. It wasn’t much different from her city, just smaller and quieter. The people weren’t as free and open as they were back home but then again she hadn’t spent much time with them.

“Well you’re actually wearing human clothes,” Bryndon noted as he walked up to her.

She smiled. “Yes, sadly I stick out in my dresses. No human female would wear those outfits unless she wasn’t respectable. And I see you’re back.” Bryndon had been gone close to two weeks and she had started to wonder when he would be back.

“Yes well the duties of being a prince.” He leaned against the rail and crossed his arms. “It’s actually something I wanted to talk to you about something.”

Setting down her book she gave him her full attention. “And what do you mean by that?”

Bryndon took her book and read the title. “Looks like someone is a bookworm.” He set it down. “I wanted your advice.”

“My advice?” Yvain arched an eyebrow. “On something that has to do with wherever you were. So how can I help?”

He sighed. “My bastard brother he’s become something of a problem…”

“You have a bastard brother? Well I didn’t see King Lengin as a cheater. Most kings are smart enough that they get rid of any unwanted children.”

“Dycen was different. He was always a trouble maker. Since he isn’t the ligament son he can do whatever he wants but I found out he killed a woman.”

Yvain frowned, not liking where this was going. “I take it your father knows and won’t do anything about it because if people knew it would be bad. So you wanted to ask me what exactly? I don’t have any bastard siblings.”

Bryndon sighed. “I’ve learned this isn’t the first time. Come to find out my father has been covering up for him for years.”

“I know you don’t want to hear this but,” She put her hand over his. “If he’s killing and your father won’t stop him then you need to. Your father won’t always be king so you need to be able to act as king. You need to stop him. No one person is worth multiple people’s lives. Bryndon you can’t let him get away with this.”

He looked down at her hand on his. “I know. I just wanted to talk to someone else and get perspective. Normally I talk to my father but you can see how I can’t.”

She shrugged. “Got to love being next in line. So many problems that you can’t talk to most people about. Tell your father and he’ll let Dycen go or I can take him out and it’s over with.”

“So on a better subject. How to you like it here? You’ve been here close to a month.”

“It’s different. Much calmer. Back home everyone is always moving and going but this place…” She looked over the city. “It’s much slower.”

“Do you like it? I mean are you happy here?”

“Bryndon I’ll be happy anywhere I can see the water and feel the wind. I’m always happiest with the wind and water. Though I wish I could go down to the beach and walk.”

Straightening up he held out his hand. “So let’s go.”

“But I’m not supposed to leave the castle… anyone could see me.” Yvain frowned.

“Don’t worry, I know a private little cove that no one goes to. I can sneak you out of the city and no one will know.” He took her hand and

Everyone turned and looked as they entered the banquet hall. They had been laughing but quickly stopped and straightened up. “Sorry I was showing our guest around and lost track of time.”

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