"A beautiful morning" - Daniel Seavey imagine

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"Can you do a Daniel Seavey imagine please with prompts 9,13,48 & 62"
9. "Your hair is so soft"
13. "Is that my t-shirt?"
48. "It's too cold! Come back!"
62. "I want to marry you"
It was 8:30am when the light finally decided to shine through the gap between the curtains

Yawning you rolled over and smiled when you were met with your boyfriend's gorgeous face

Smiling softly you ran your hand along his jaw

Then his eye's witch twitched

Then his nose which he scrunched up

Then his lips which smiled a soft smile

His eye's were still closed as you smiled and leaned into his lips kissing them

Pulling away you smiled when you saw his eye's open

"Morning" you said softly

"Morning baby girl" he said in a deep husky voice

You loved his voice of a morning it always got to you

Rolling over he wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you on him

He began running his hand's through your hair as you rested on his chest

"Your hair is so soft" he said laughing a little causing you to feel the vibration

You smiled and looked up at him kissing his nose

"Your cute of a morning" he said smiling as you laughed

"Shut up and let me get up" you said softly

"No." He said as he held you tighter

"Let me go Daniel" you said giggling

"Fine" he said as he let you go

"Thank you i guess you want your normal breakfast?" You asked but noticed he had fallen back asleep

You shook your head slightly and smiled

Seeing his top on the ground you decided to change into it and ofcourse it was way bigger than you

Walking downstairs you began to cook a feast that was made for 4 people but only 2 would be eating

10 minutes later you were finished and heard footsteps coming down the stairs

"Is that my t-shirt?" You heard him ask as you finished placing food on the plates

"Yes?" You said turning to him

He looked at you up and down with his mouth open

"I want to marry you" he said causing you to blush and laugh

"Aww" you said smiling

He smiled back and came and wrapped his arms around your waist and put his head to your neck

"Maybe we should wait untill were older begore getting married" you said causing him to nod and place a kiss on your neck

As you moved away to get milk from the fridge but he held your hand tugging on it

"It's too cold! Come back!" He said causing you to laugh and walk back into his arm's

As you placed your head on his chest and snuggled up to him he placed his head on yours smiling

"Im so lucky to have you" he whispered

"I love you" he said softly lifting his head

You gasped and looked up at him

"You mean it?" You asked

This was the first time you or him had ever said the 3 words

"With all my heart" he said smiling

"I love you too" you said causing him to skile and wrap his arm's around you and began kissing all over your face

And that was how your day went.

First imagine! Enjoy!
Song i wrote to: malibu - miley cyrus

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