"beach days" - Daniel seavey

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Waking up due to the sun shining in you smiled and rolled over being met with your boyfriend's snoring

You had traveled to LA with Christina (corbyn's girlfriend) 2 day's ago to visit the boy's while they were traveling

You had been with Daniel for 1 year now and you had yet to tell each other the 3 words and you had yet to 'do it'

Smiling at you boyfriend you began tracing his jaw with your fingers

Having your fingers begin to trace down his chest you frowned when you still didn't get a reaction

Rolling over so you were now laying on his chest you leant up and kissed his eyes

Still not getting a reaction you then kissed his nose wich scrunched up but still didn't wake him

Smirking you then leaned in to attach your lips to his witch resulted in him kissing back

Pulling away you laughed and poked his cheek

"Morning handsome" you said ruffling his hair

"Morning buttercup" he said in a deep and husky voice

Rolling over so he was now on top of you he placed his head in your neck

After cuddling for a few seconds you felt him start to suck amd kiss on your neck making you moan slightly

"Stop. We have to get up" you gasped

He stopped and got up and winked at you

"Care to join me in the shower? It will save water" he said cheekily

"Haha very funny, just have your shower" you said

After he had a shower you had one and changed into your cute bikini and a pair of denim shorts and a singlet top and then flats and threw a see through Cardegen on

"Ready?" You asked walking out and grabbing your bag with all the stuff you needed

"Yeah. You look hot by the way" he said as he looked you up and down licking his lips

You rolled your eye's and smiled at him

"Take a picture it will last longer" you winked at him as you walked out the door and down stairs and out front

"Hey girlie!" Christina squeled and she ran and hugged you

"Hey babe!" You said hugging her back

"Ahh hello she is my girlfriend!" Corbyn said as he took Cristina back in his arm's

"Back off mate!" Daniel said as he playfully punched corbyn

They began to play fight witch soon ended with the other boy's joining in after you gave them hugs and said hello

"Guy's!" You said grabbing their attention

"How are the seven of us going to fit in a five seater jeep?" You questioned

"Well im driving, jack is passenger seat, zach is in the back on one side, corbyn in the mddle with his girl in his lap and then daniel in the last seat and you on his lap" jonah explains

"Your keen to get fined then" you said jokingly

"It's only a dmall drive wont take that long" he said pinching you playfully

"Daniel! Hes hurting me!" You said in a fake whine and Daniel came up to you

"Hand's off my girl!" He yelled holding his fist up

"Yeah, yeah get in the car" jonah dsid laughing

And so you all piled into the car and clicked in

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