Jack Avery imagine

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Hey I love your Why Don't We story so can I get a Jack Avery one with the prompts 50,51,81,83, 89

50: "c'mere you can sit in my lap till im done working"

51: "im not going to stop poking you till you give me some attention"

81: "you were supposed to be my forever"

83: "im mad at you because i love you"

89: "will you stop stroking my hair and calling me precious?"


you and your dearest jack avery had been in a relationship for nearly 2 and a half years, in a month that will be your 2 and a half years together

you admit you were a needy girl and you wanted your mans attention legit all the time, i mean who wouldn't want a hotties like his attention all the time?

you were described as the mother by the rest of the boys and their families but to jack you could be annoying sometimes when your motherly side came out and when your needy side came out jack was torn between you being cute and hot or you being annoying

sometimes he loved it and others he didnt 

today he was very off with you and you being the loving person you are (sarcasm) decided to test the boundries by doing what you do best

annoying him.

his family had invited you around for ea that night and to stay seeing as this was the first time jack had been home in 6 months and in a week hed be gone for 9 months 

it was hard to say the least,  having a boyfriend who wa always in different states and all you could do was talk over the phone and facetime

you were exstreamly happy for jack and the boys, they had finally began doing what they do best and that was singing,it just hurt you a lot when you couldnt see them, when you couldnt see jack.

as you rang the doorbell isla answered the door slamming into your arms making you laugh

"hey buttercup!" you said bending down and kissing her cheek 

"y/n? is that you???" you heart ava and sydnie yell from the top of the stairs and soon you were tackled to the floor by them

"ooff! you guys weigh a ton!" you yelled laughing from on the ground underneath them 

"we do not!" they said in sync making you laugh

"hello my dear!" you here kristin say from the door laughing 

you got up and helped the girls up and then hugged the mother who gave birth to magnificant master pieces 

"hello!!" you say as she invites you in 

"something smeels good as!!" you say smelling what seemed to smell like tacos

"you and your food, were having tacos because its taco tuesday!!!" isla said making you grin

"you know it boo! wheres jack?..." you asked looking to ava 

"in his room being a snob" she replied with rolling her eyes

"the typical male gene" you responded with walking up stairs and into jacks room area

"hiya" you said quietly while shutting the door 

you as per usual got no response from him as he looked to be in concentration 

you smirked and started dramatically falling against the bed with your hand to your face as to be a damsel in distress 

"you were supposed o be my forever" you said fake crying 

you could see jack smirk from where you were lying on the bed 

you smirked and got up 

placing one hand under his chin and one on his hair you started stroking his hair and calling him precious 

this went on for a least 2 minutes before he laughed 

"will you stop stroking my hair and calling me precious?" he said laughing 

"nope!" you said and began poking him




"stop!!" he yelled slightly laughing 

"im not going to stop poking you till you give me some attention" you said grinning 

he sighed and got up shaking his head and opening his window 

you could tell he was mad now and stopped 

"sorry i got you mad..." you said quietly 

he sighed and smiled at you 

"im mad because i love you" he said sitting back down in his chair 

"c'mere, you can sit in my lap till im done working" he said grinning 

you excitedly got up and say on his lap where you felt his arms wrap around your waist and his lips press and soft kiss to your cheek 

you sat there helping him for about and hour before you heard his mum call out to you that tacos were ready and to come get them 

"ohhhhh food!!!!" you said excitedly and ready to get up but were help down by a laughing jack 

"can i tell you something?"  he asked getting you to face him as he grabbed your hand in his 

he brought your hand to his lips and sat a delicate kiss to your knuckles 

you nodded and smiled at him loving this side of jack

"i love you..." he said grabbing a box from his draw

"its a promise ring, a promise i vow to always keep. a promise from me knowing you will always have me and be loved by me and a promise that one day it wont just be a promise ring on that finder but and engagement and wedding ring as well" he said placing the beautiful ring on your ring finger 

it had your fav coulor in it and you smiled 

"naww baby! thank you so much i love it! and i love you so very much" you said kissing him with tears in your eyes and a smile on your face 

"i love you too."

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