"Kiss me" - Daniel seavey

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"Can you do an imagine where y/n and Daniel aren't dating but everyone ships it, including Logan Paul? Prompts 155 & 170? :) thank you!!"
155. "Fuck you" "please do"
170. "Kiss me"
You had been invited to join logan and daniel, jack, jonah, corbyn and zach on the beach today

Because you were too excited about it you had woken up early today and had already gotten ready into your bikini

Because you lived right next to Lagan and the beach you didn't bother with getting completely dressed and just threw something light over your bikini

As you grabbed your bag you got a text from Daniel

"Hey babe! Ready for today? ;)"

Smiling you quickly reply with a 'yes see u soon'

You had a massive crush on daniel since you met him a year ago

As you make your way to logans door you see that they are already outside waiting

"Oh damn!" Jack says as he sees you

You had decided to wear a cute black bikini

"Dang!" Jonah says

"Your lucky you've got her bro" zach says to Daniel

"Heyo!" You said as you stopped in front of them

"Damn! why dont we take this back to my room?" Daniel says winking

You were shocked along with logan and the other's

"Is that the best you can do?" You said winking at him

He smirked at you and pulled you into his arm's causing you to blush

"Your cute when you blush" he said huskily

"Fuck you" you said getting out of his arm's

"Please do" he said smirking

Looking over at the other guy's you could see that they were shocked but happy because they want you both to get together

"Let's go!" You said already making your way to the beach

"Yo! Last one there is a rotton egg!" Logan yells running with his camera

You shook your head as you saw them all run after him

All except daniel.

"Ill carry this" he said taking your bag and slinging it over one shoulder as his other hand slipped into yours

Looking up at him he looked straight ahead

You looked down and smiled to yourself

As you looked back up you saw you were near tge beach and let go of daniels hand when you saw corbyns girlfriend

"CHRISTINA !" you yelled making your way into her arm's

"Y/N!" she yelled and wrapped her arm's around your neck and you wrapped your's around her waist

"Im so happy your here we have so much to catch up on!" She said

"But you can do that when you get back at the house." Daniel said coming up and wrapping his arm's around you

Christina looked at you with a raised eyebrow

You shurugged and raised an eyebrow too

"Stop being clingy daniel!" Logan said

"Yeah mate let her go!" Jack said as he jokingly wrestled jonah

Christina laughed and made her way back to corbyn

As you went to walk to the group also you were pulled back by daniel

"What?" You asked a bit rude getting a bit fed up with his clingingness and not having an explanation to it

He looked at you with a shocked and sad expression

"Nothing. Dont worry." He said walking away over to a bunch of rock's and sitting down onto them

Sighing you frowned at yourself and began walking past the group amd over to daniel

Sitting down next to him you spread your little legs out and layed your head on his shoulder

"Im sorry" you said

A silence came over you both for a few seconds

"Im sorry too" daniel said sighing and resting his head on yours

"What for?" You asked confised and looked up at him

"For being clingy and that..." he said scratching the back of his neck

"It's fine, but why?.." you asked

He sighed and turned so his body was facing you

"Because....i really like you okay? In fact i might even love you..." he said looking down

Grabbing his chin lightly you raised his head up so he was looking at you

"Kiss me" you whispered as you leaned in slowly

You could hear his breathing quicken as he pushed himself to be confident and finally kiss you

As you pulled away a few seconds later you heard everyone cheering

"Be mine?" Daniel asked

"Yes!" You said squeling as he wrapped you in his arm's and cuddled up to you.

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