"old barstool" - jonah marais imagine

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Heartbreaks are a light thing right?

For some yes for others no

For you a heartbreak was the worst pain you had ever felt

It had nearly been a year since you found jonah with another girl

Since you had found your just new fiancée in bed with another girl

A near year since you thre that ring at him, packed up and left

You'd think that someone, a normal person would have gotten over it and moved on by now

But you, you couldn't just move on

He was the love of your life

Your soon to be husband

As much as the pain still stung you wanted him back in your life badly

Sure you may have added a bit more whisky to your coke and a little more high in your smoke

But you would give that up in a heartbeat if you could just see him one more time

You could say that any old barstool in this town knew you by now

You missed him and there was nothing else to it

You were peddle to the meddle on a down hill slide.

You were currently on your way to another bar that night

This would be your 3rd bar

You didn't always go to drink but just sit at a bar on a stool and to see if you could keep your mind off jonah

As you walked in you could already smell the alcohol

You smiled and walked up to the bar ordering a beer and a shot

"Thanks" you said to the bartender as he gave you what you ordered

You turned to watch the end of the song on stage the band currently playing when you realised something

There on the stage stood the man you had loved all those years ago

As they finished you caught jonah and Daniel's eye and cursed

You quickly paid the bartender grabbed your stuff and began walking out

"Wait!" You heard his voice yell

You had just made it out the bar when someone pulled on your wrist

"What?!" You yelled

You froze not knowing what came over you

Maybey it was because you never had an angry stage after you found him cheating

"Can we talk?" He asked

"About what?" You laughed

You suddenly felt like strangling him

"About us" he said softly scratching the back of his head

"About us?" You said sarcastically

"Last time checked you blew there ever being an us a year ago when you decided to waste a perfectly happy nearly married life all on another girl. So really there is nothing to talk about"

You began walking away again and once again felt like crying

You were suddenly stoped and frozen

"Please! I never meant to hurt you y/n, i hate myself everyday for doing what I've done, i know that i probably wont ever get you back because i broke your heart and it pains me to know i did, but just know im really sorry for it if i could take it back i would in a heartbeat. I've never stopped loving you y/n....."

You felt his hand grip yours and turn you to face him

You could see the tears in it eyes even in the dark

"I understand if you don't want to but please...give us another chance?" He asked

You had tears in your eye's and didn't say a word but kissed him instead

That spark from all those years ago still layed there but it was a lot stronger this time

"I know you may need time but...take it back? I still want to marry you" he said holding your ring out

"You kept it?" You asked

"Of course, i regretted everything straight away and cut everyone off and made it my mission to find you again" he said smiling and sliding the ring on your finger

"Im glad" you said smiling and kissing him again

"Finally!" Daniel said hugging you both

"I've missed you guy's being together" jack said hugging you also

"No more mopey jonah!" Corbyn cheered joing in on the group hug

"I wanna be apart of this!" Zach said jumping in on the hug

"I see youve all missed me" you laughed as jonah was pushed away from you and you were in each boy's arm's

"You have no idea how much we have!" Daniel cheered

"I missed you guy's also" you said hugging them all again.

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