"im scared of commitment" - jack avery imagine

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Requested: yes
By: kkjackson_avery
Summery: jack and mykalyn have been friends for a long time and jack starts developing feelings over time untill he completely falls for mykalyn, but he wont commit and shes too afraid to love again.

Prompts: 19, 21, 23 & 46
19. "Im scared to love"
21. "Give me a chance"
23. "I dont want to fall in love if you dont want to give me %100 commitment."
46. "When im with you im happy"

Somg i wrote to: comethru by Jeremy zucker

You and jack had been friends since diapers and it's been so good having a friemd by your side through whatever

You guys did nearly everything together, he even taught you how to skateboard

He was there for you through every heartbreak you've had in life as you have been for him

When you were 13 you started developing feelings for jack

When you were about 14 jack had begun doing more with his music leaving barley any time for you both to hang out

When you were 15 jack had made a band with his friends corbyn, zach, jonah and daniel

When you were 16 you had started traveling with the boy's

Being by jacks side thtough thick and thin always made those feeling you had for him gtow deeper over time

Given your past with guy's you tried to get rid of the feelings not to mention that he was one of your best friends and if he had ever found out you liked him you figured it would ruin the friendship

Little to your knowlage jack had fallen deeply in love with you over time

"Hey mykalyn!" Corbyn said as you borded the boy's travel bus

You smiled and raced ober to the couch to take the spot next to him as jonah sat the other side of you and zach and daniel sat the couch oppisite you

Jack hadn't borded the bus yet saying he wanted to skate a bit longer

"How are you and jack?" Jonah asked looking at you

"We're good i guess, why?" You asked

"Come on, we know you two like each other" daniel said

"He speaks about you all the time when your not around its driving me insane!" Zach said having all the boys agree with him

"Oh..." you say slightly shocked

"Look i know you don't have a good past with guy's but give him a chance yeah?" Corbyn asked

"He's one of our best friend's and we just want the best for him" daniel said

"Just like how we want the best for you also, you've become one of our close friend's also, heloing us with all those girl problems" zach said

"Its really helpful" jonah said laughing slightly

"We love you both seperatly, but we'd love you both more if you were together" daniel said

You smiled and laughed slightly

"How do i kmow you guy's are telling the truth about him liking me?" You aksed

"Are you insane? Of course we are telling the truth!" Corbyn said boumcing up on the chair making you all laugh

"Fine i believe you" you said smiling

"Good vayse now's the day, well night you both get together" daniel said as he stood up grabbing your hand and pulling you to the door of the bus

He pushed you out slightly and carefully and smirked at you

"You and jack are not allowed in untill you both talk" daniel said slamming and locking the bus door

"What was that about?" You heard jack ask from being you

Jumping you turned to look at him ehile holding your heart

"Jesus you scared me!" You yelled slightly

"Sorry love!" He said smiling

Love was a pet name he had given you when you were 12

"So..." you said after calming down

"Soo...wanna sit on the top of the bus and look at the star's?" Jack asked raising an eyebrow

You grinned and nodded your head raving to the ladder on the bus and climing up

"Hey wait up!" Jack said laughing and following after you

Once on top jack layed down on his bavk with his arms behind his head and letting out a breath

"Come here love" he said looking at you

You smiled and moved in untill your head was laying om his chest and you were both looking up at the star's

"I love night's like this" you whispered

"I know love" jack said lowly

You sighed and sat up amd grossed your legs

Jack doing the same

"I have something to tell you" you both said at the same time ending in you both laughing

"You go first!" You grinned at him

He smiled and looked down playing with the ends of his jumper sleeve something he did when he was nervous

"I've...I've liked you for quite a while now...i understand if you dont feel the same way.." he said slowly

"I've liked you for a long time also jack..." you say smiling slightly

He shot his head up looking at you shocked

"Im scared to love though" you whispered looking down

"Give me a chance" he said reaching for your hand and taking it in his

"I don't want to fall in love if you dont want to give me %100 commitment" you whispered

He squeezed your hand and you soon felt his hand go and looked up at him

"Here, its cold out" he said handing you his jumper he had taken off few seconds ago

You smiled and slid it over you head smiling at the smell

"When im with you im happy" jack said grabbing your hands in his

"And i promise im ready to fully commit to a realtionship with you if you are willing to do the same" jack said smiling slightly

"Be mine?" He whispered looking into your eye's

"You could see even in the dark that his eye's told the truth

"Only if you will be mine" you whispered

He smiled and brought you in to a passionate kiss

"Ofcourse love."

Hope it was what you were after ❤

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