Pain Part 2

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Her head was pounding and her stomach turned she felt sick as she slowly looked around the room she finally condoned the fact that she woke up to a horrible dream her vision blurred again before it finally settled.

She was trapped to her bed her hands and legs were connected to the four posts, her naked body, on full display. The room was dark barely illuminated by the moon that filtered into the room though the slightly open window and for the first time in a long time Kadence was scared.

Goosebumps rose on her skin as the cool air blew gently across her over heated skin bring with it a calming feeling but she was anything but. Why the hell she was here what the fuck was going on she thought as the knob on the door rattled as it was turned and in came my mother. She had changed from the clothes she had seen her in earlier as she now domed a black leather pants and jacket with a red blouse inside with thick leather high heel boots which was a long way from her static attire her hair was twisted in to a tight bun, her face was blank as it usually was since the accident as she strode to the foot of the bed. Confusion then a wave of hate hit Kadence then as it finally dawned on her why she was strapped to her bed.

Leveling her with a glare Kadence waited for her to say something but she didn't.

"Mom what is the meaning of this" she asked seeking conformation for her thoughts. Sighing her mother beckoned a man she just saw into the room. Her cheeks heated in embarrassment and anger as she tried desperately to hide her body but it was useless. The strong ropes only provided so much movement and every time she moved too much the ropes cut into her skin drawing blood.

"Check her" her mother commanded her voice strong yet empty of any emotions. Kadence hadn't even realize there was someone else I the room too focused on her mom wave of humiliation and pain flooded though her threatening to overwhelm her.

"Don't touch me asshole " Kadence screamed but she knew it was futile no one dared to interfere in her mother's work if the wanted their job this was really going to happen and there was nothing she could do about it. She was helpless and trapped and she hated it, hated her mom her dad and her brother the people who were supposed to be protecting her but they only inflicted pain.

Walking closer the man she presumed to be a doctor was tall and bulky his hands heavily corded you could tell he worked out his glasses were placed on the bridge of his nose slightly hiding his deep brown eyes. He looked young way too young to be doing this but who could stop him?. Stopping at the foot of the bed He ignored her screams as he secured his glove onto his hand and went between her spread quivering thighs. Grabbing her hips he steady's her as he guided his fingers to her entrance her mother had now shuffled to the corner of the room giving him space to work.

Her body burns as he places his big fingers into her for the first time jerking backwards Kadence hisses from the pain. Moving forward he bends slightly whispering in her ear "just try to relax I promise it gets easier" her mind remains adamant but her body follows his instruction pushing his fingers deeper he meets her barrier probing once twice he slowly retracts his fingers. Kissing her neck gently he stands up nodding to her mother in a silent conversation before he throws away the glove looking at her on last time was that sympathy she couldn't tell as he leaves his white coat following in His wake.

"If you wanted to know if I was a virgin all you had to was ask mother" her voice was raspy and hoarse to her own ears but she couldn't help the shake that raked her body this time her mom went too far.

"You have been a bad bitch haven't you" her voice was wary loud and clear erasing all other emotions while fueling her anger" fuck you I hate you" spitting at her she looked dead in her eyes Kadence's voice was filled with so much disgust and anger she couldn't even recognize it.

Lunging forward she grabbed Kadence's hair pain exploded in her head as her mother slapped her right cheek drawing blood.

"I'm gonna love this way more than I should baby girl" she whispered

"What do you mean?" Kadence asked her heart racing with dread and disappear.

Reaching behind her she took out a whip it was black and thick like it was made out of a form of thick leather it appeared heavy.

Fear began to race through her body never in her life has she been beaten before and know she knew, her mother was out of her fucking mind.

"You will marry him" twirling the whip in her hand she continued "you will spread your thighs like the whore your meant to be. If he wants you on your back with your legs wide fucking open like this you are gonna give it to him. If he wants children you will god-damn bear them. if he asks his friends to fuck you . You will do it"

Twisting her Hair around her hand she brought Kadence's face closer to hers. Looking at her mother in defiance Kadence uttered the words that were her undoing.

"I'm not doing it" looking straight at her, her mother leaned back on her heel.

"I knew you'd say that...... That's why I'm here to break you"

Before Kadence could think the whip landed across her stomach, breast and thighs in a quick pace. Excruciating pain followed everywhere the belt landed and Kadence couldn't help it she screamed in pain as she twisted away from her but her mom wouldn't have it as she landed harder blows Kadence twisted further into herself breaking her wrist in the process.

Large ugly welts formed all over her body as she silently begged for death but it alluded her.

"You will obey me" her mother yelled but to Kadence her voice seemed faint as she was slowly dragged into the darkness and she welcomed it.


Kadence woke up sputtering, dry heaving. She couldn't help the tears that fell as she looked at the ugly black and blue marks that marred her body .her right arm was numb definitely broken opening her swollen eyes she took in the feces and urine that was on the once clean whit sheets she wasn't allowed to leave the room so she had to do her business here she long ago forgot the smell. She was in this room for days her mother would come and ask the one question she knew she'd reject then she'd go on to break her further until the darkness came but this time she had won she did what no one else could, not even her sister's death completely broke her. The fight was over.

"I'll marry him" the words barely passed her lips but Kadence said them as long as the pain was over as she welcomed the darkness.

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