Fathers's love ?

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Heading in to her office she set to work.

Her boss was great but could sometimes be a pain in the ass when work wasn't done and since she pissed off his daughter better to stay on the safe side of life. Cause she couldn't deal with Monique's drama.

Hours on the computer checking data and answering to her demanding supervisor has become stressful and she already felt drained. Checking the time to make sure she was early for lunch with daddy, she grabbed her bag seeing as she was already late and she didn't want to upset him. Walking quickly down the hallway leading to the elevator she swept her a stray hair behind her ear as she pressed the last button for the bottom floor. Luckily there was no boring elevator music that could get her distracted. She had to stay focus this was not a father daughter having a happy lunch this was a meeting and by the looks of it a very important one and she had to be prepared for anything.


Stepping out of the prestige car daddy sent to pick her up she thanked her driver and best friend Luke for his help.

Having no time to dally she entered the five star restaurant giving her jacket to a well-dressed receptionist. Lowering her black eye glasses that she had threw on in the car, she tipped on her heels slightly as she let her eyes roam the room spotting her dad at the back of the restaurant in their usual spot.

Without a second glance in the well-built sexy as hell receptionist direction with his name tag reading Kent she walked as casually as she could over to his table.

"Sorry I'm late" she stated as she pulled out a chair and lowered myself onto it as gracefully as possible.

"I'll call you back clarity "he spoke into his phone as he snapped it shut giving her his full attention.

Clarity was her best friend and even though she's five years her senior you'd never be able to tell. They like to think they're sisters and dad hates it.

"Mom dropped by earlier "she stated as she grabbed her menu not really paying attention. She'd let dad choose for her this time she just wanted to get over this.

"Straight to the point are we"

He said pushing his hair back giving her a view of his slightly wrinkled face and piercing green eyes his. His once perfect black hair was now dusted with grey giving him a look of experience yet not taking away from his handsome features. She was proud to call him her dad no matter what happens but sometimes his hate is a little too much to bear. Luckily today he seemed relaxed contented even and she silently wonder how long this facade will last.

"Let's get something to eat before we start shall we" signaling the waiter with a skinny figure but a radiant smile he placed our order.

Within minutes the food was here but the food was like sand to her as she ate .She tasted nothing too caught up in her mind and what's to come. Her stomach twisted into knots and all she wanted was to go home. She waited patiently for him to finish eating.

Whipping his mouth he pushed his chair back slightly turning his head in her direction.

Clearing his throat he started. "Knowing your mother I know she gave you an insight into this meeting has she not"

"She said some about a marriage" she said taking a drink of water from the glass she held.

"What is your thoughts on the matter?"

Surprised that he asked for once what she thought about the things happening in her life she sat straighter giving him her most heartwarming smile.

"Well I don't want to get married I'm barely nineteen..... And I don't even know the guy. "

She stated begging silently that he'd listen.

You might all be wondering how she was able to land a great job so early but having money to further her education was her key. She already had her bachelor degree in business at Harvard University at the tender age of eighteen but that was nothing when you have been born with beauty and brains they both were.

"I'm sorry dear for a second I made you believe that I cared" he said disapprovingly drawing her attention back to the conversion

"You're marrying this man because I fucking said so.

This marriage will build our empire and once and for all you'll finally be out of my life and you can be his problem now...."

"Have you lost your damn mind" she yelled forgetting where they were completely as she cut him off. Anger ran through her in waves as she tried desperately to control it but he has crossed the line. The small chatter within the restaurant died quickly everyone turning their full attention to us.

"Mind your own damn business"

She screamed and for once these rich ass wholes listened.

"Lower your fucking voice"

My father whispered half yelled

But she was long gone he's basically selling her. She knew what her mother told her was the truth but she was silently hopping he wouldn't be this cruel but she was wrong. He reached across the table and grabbed her had pulling her towards the exit his nails bit into her arm making a bruise but she said nothing. His words replayed in her mind as he pushed her into the car as they drove off into the distance she didn't know where they were going and right now she didn't give a fuck

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