January 19th

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     The smoke is checking in and out of the hotel of my lungs. I'm suffocating in my thoughts. Getting high though, has never felt any better. I didn't have to worry about one thought jumping to another one like a monkey jumping from tree to tree. Instead, the thoughts decided to slither their way through sandy water, getting stuck from time to time like an eal out in the sea.

     I was sitting in my favorite spot in the woods, the place where I met the wonderful snowy owl. The snow from then was melted now, but I could feel another storm coming on. On cue, just as I was thinking about the wonderful creature, the snowy owl decided to swoop down and land on a branch just a few steps in front of me. The owl has some darkening feathers so I guess winter might actually be over soon. I'll just have to wait and see what the next storm says. Man, oh man, am I hoping for rain.

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    Author's Note: Hey there! Get ready for some big chapters and then finally the grand finale! Please remember this is based on a true story! So please respect it!

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