CHAPTER 8- consumed by evil

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Also I have an unhealthy addiction to fnaf/ SL and in know its a horror game. Wow... Just by music you can tell what I like. Also did you know a band call bowling for soup did the finnious and ferb theme song? If you haven't seen it you haven't lived!

Nathan's POV

I could hear screaming coming from knightonia. As soon as I heard it I flew there asap. I couldn't see jade anywhere. I was panicking until I saw the evil jester. I pinned him to the ground but I was attacked. I waild in pain when he hit me with his sword.
"Where is jade!?" I roard
"You can speak?" The metal man asked
"Yes! Now tell me where she is otherwise you won't have a head jester!"
"Dragon I've got no clue who she is"
I herd someone running towards  me. Thank the lord it was jade. She looked sceard. I had to help her. I could see why. Armour was moving. Chasing her. She shot magic out of her hand. Luckily it made it crumble to the ground.
"Nathen? Can we take it a bit higher?" She said climbing on my back. She could stand up but I couldn't fly. My wings were in pain.
"Jade what's happend here?!"
"The armour there has tured Mr. Jester her evil for the 3rd freakin time!" She shouted with a bit of panicking pointing her hand at him to shoot with magic.

Aron's POV

I saw the big dragon land. But I wasn't worried about that. I couldn't see clay eany where I ran. Well until I found a hall. Each knight was unconscious. I could hear a groan. From the sound it was clay. He hadn't been I this much pain since being struck by Merlock magic accidentally. But I was concerned after jestro being consumed by evil. I had every right to worry. But not only that the girl could use magic. We hadn't seen that in about 18 years. I as soon as I saw clay I rushed over to his side.
"Clay! Are you OK!?" I was panicking. There was destruction everywhere
" voice hurts Aron...I feel dizzy..." He blacked out. I could tell he was in a major amount of pain. I put him on my board and flew as quickly as possible to the fortrex.

Clay's POV

I woke up in bead. They were around me. And a girl was there her chestnut eyes so familiar. How I don't remember... I could tell I was in my bead. My left arm was in a cast. I could tell that jestro had flead for some reason. But the fact that the girl was holding a magic staff.... She was a magician.
"Hay he's awake! Finally." She said hoping the others herd. And they did. Arron and robbin were here aswel.
" oh... Clay my name is jade."
"I feel like we've met before?" Her eyes lit up in horror... I could tell we had just not in the best way.
" I don't remember you... I only just lernd your name. Also I best be off. Nathan is wondering if I am OK."  I could tell she broke her leg. Mainly cause of the cast oh frogot wat they were calls for a second. Clutches. She had to move with clutches. As the others entered the room I felt a bit odd. Like she wasn't going out for that ONE reason. I could tell. But the others wouldn't let me leave my bed. I was still in a bit of pain. But it was just a headache. Nothing too sirious.

OK! I did acctuly forget what a clutch is called. Also I may be getting a new cat after... After our cat Mr.whickam passed. Sad subject I know. But should we get it? Its half maincoon!!!!!
OK. Truthfully we will get it. But should I change my book cover to him/ her because I am a crazy cat lady O:-)  OK ninja/ knight out!

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