CHAPTER 17- explamation with results

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Jade's POV
I thought jestro would understand. I was wrong. My skin slightly heated up. I could telling was going into my rage mode. I felt guilty. Tears were threatening to pour out. I should not have shouted to them.
"I am going for a bit. And if I dont come back... Don't look for me." I stood up and left.
No one understood what I truly was going through. This was pain in the neck. Do you ever have those times that you need to do something selfless for your friends? This was one of mine. I was going to give myself to the king. I knew my punishment would be bad... But it was for the sake of the others. I couldn't bear see  them in a bad way. So I was going to bargain. My life for theirs to be speard. I knew this could go bad... But what choice do I have?

-at the castle -
I stood on front of the gate. I slowly climbed the outer wall. Then take out a couple of sqior bots. Until I came to the throne room. They were there "I am so sorry..." I who whispered to myself. I flung the doors open. When they saw me. I looked different. He looked confused. But then the queen spoke
"Where are the other two?" She actually sounded concerned.
"Somewhere they can't be hurt." I spoke back. She could tell I was slowly tearing up...
"So why come back? After what the king said about imprisonment?" I slowly let a tear roll on my cheek
"I've never had a family. But if I ever had one id put my self in front of harms way just to see them live. And I've come here to bargen..."
"So what do you want?"
" my friends spears. And me in their place." The queen looked stunned. No escaped prisoner ever asked that

-queen halbert -

What she said stunned me. Never in my life did anyone ask me that. I felt sympathy for her. She was nearly breaking down. That's when king halbert spoke.
"Why...why do you ask for there forgiveness. After all you did!?" That's when she broke down...
"BECAUSE THAT WASN'T ME! ALL MY LIFE I'VE HAD VOICES MAKING ME DO BAD THINGS! And they come back on blood moons..." She couldn't stop crying. She wasn't just doing this for family she was doing this to prove a point. A point that it wasn't her. She then threw her sword to the side. Along with a shield she had found.
"I am not armed. I left my d with them."
"No need. We wont fight. You are free. I release you from the sentence..."

NEXO KNIGHTS - magician of darkWhere stories live. Discover now