CHAPTER 10- you dont need to read this one

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Hay knights and fellow ninja. Today's song ( this songvsaved my life) actuly has a meaning behind it. Wattspad has inspired me to write. And I'm not just saying that because I can read/ write... But its now my passion. The past year I have been writing...hoping to show the world my bad skills. But I've come to realise that writing is now a major part. Because of you lot I know that I AM a capable writer. Because of you lot I've found my purpose. And that's to write for you guys. My words may be sappy but you writers are probably the same. If you don't like writing then don't write if you like to sing...SING. If you like to preform....PREFORM! Its not the worlds choice. Its yours. My choice in life is to write for you guys. And so be it. Also shout out to Emily in my school. She is the one who told me to get the app. And I thank her so much for telling me to get it. If you don't agree with my words then I couldn't care less. I know who I am. I except my life. I except the person I am. But do you exept your self?
Thank you to everyone for being here. Ninja/ knight out!

P.s. have a wonderful day no matter where you are! B-)

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