Crazy Person!!

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"Let me go get my brother." she mutters standing up to get him, walking back they both take a seat.

"Wassup, Babe" he smiles happily at me.

"Yeah yeah whatever, Tobias cut to the chase now about my house." I ask them both.

"Well um.." Tobias begins "this family of four moves in super hot chick and this creepy kid." rolling my eyes at hot chick. "Then Jess takes over, our parents made us meet them now this  is four years ago so I'm 12 back then," nodding my head to go on, "so we met them and let's just say the one kid was very mentally unstabled."

"How unstable?" I ask them both

"let's just say he talked to himself or abused himself" muttered Tobias, "Then one day people say  they just ran out of the house leaving for good, then another person says that Simon didn't even leave with them."
Tobias finishes the story.

"Simon's his name?" I ask Tobias nodding his head

"Yes" he mutters out "Some people think he was possessed or something." laughing nervously I change the subject, "My mom is working a midnight shift and I'm alone tonight, maybe if I ask her if y'all can come over will you?"

"Sure." Jess replies and a yes from Tobias.

"Is that your brother?" Tobias asks pointing to the little boy whos throwing sand,
"Yeah he is." I reply then get up and shout "Charlie put down the sand!!" And he does but soon he starts to cry indicating he's tired. "I'm gonna go guys but I'll give you a call." Getting up Tobias gives me a hug and whispers

"Be careful." in my hair then next is Jess who squeezes me to death

"I'll be over later, Olive."

Getting Charlie we walk ourselves to the store then back home meanwhile Charlie has a breakdown because I wouldn't get him candy.

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