Chapter 51

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I've got another question for you and I'm really curious about this. If you were in Anna's shoes and the head vamp just implied he might hand over the magical artifact you so desperately wanted - all you have to do is follow him down another secret passage - what would you tell him, like literally?

Please let me know! Enjoy the read :-)



Chapter 51

They were walking down another secret passage, another one she had missed on all her earlier visits, only this time, they were going down. Alexander had led her to a broad staircase that was as modern as offensively posh. Low, blue-tinged light made the marble steps look like solid pools of water. Her own footsteps were the only sound she perceived as they made their way down the steps; the head vampire's were too low for her to pick up on.

She had agreed to this out of sheer curiosity. And yet, low as the chance of obtaining what she came for was, it still was there. If she couldn't get the magical artifact from Alexander this night, she was determined to accumulate enough information to come back at a later moment and take it by force.

Alexander was walking in front of her in long, measured steps. The bizarre combination of darkness and blue light made his white tailored shirt stand out like a glow stick. It made her oddly aware of his broad shoulders and the way he moved.

They reached the bottom of the staircase and walked into a long corridor. The walls were barren of shackles or axes, or any of the other decoration Ryon Club sported.

Alexander led the way without saying a word. Even from where she was she could feel the electric power the head vampire radiated like a constant, tangible aura. She imagined, if she reached out, she might be able to touch it with her bare hands.

Seeing the head vampire, being this close to him ­ something about that look in his eyes bothered, no, almost disturbed her. Something lay hidden behind those endless worlds of blue in his eyes and a part of her wanted to know just what.

No. She shook her head. She had to find a way back into that tranquil place inside of her, where nothing and no one could touch her. And she would.

Alexander stopped before her abruptly. She'd been so occupied with her thinking, she barely managed to stop in time and avoid running into him. They were standing in front of a door, one of many in the corridor. All of them secured with high-tech fingerprint door locks.

Alexander turned and looked at her. "If you help me gain the information I need and do me one small favor that will cost you nothing in terms of time or magic and will do no harm to you, I will give you one of the objects, Anna," he said softly.

She didn't like hearing her name from his lips. Less did she like not knowing what she was walking into. But she wanted that object too badly to say no to his offer. She watched his face, the way he held himself. No telltale signs, no nervous ticks, no breathing. Not a single thing she could have used for reference. The head vampire was as unreadable and enigmatic as a white-canvas-masterpiece.

"No bloodletting, no favors or errands in the city or elsewhere, no mind-entering vampire powers and no information I'm not willing to give", she said, watching his face.

A slow smile crept on his face. "It is none of the above."

"I have to have your word on this."

"You have," he said.

The seconds ticked by. Her mind was racing. She couldn't think of anything else worth losing. No blood, no information, nothing that would cost her something. If there was a trap that would cause her a loss of some sort, it was too insignificant to factor in.

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