Chapter 20

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Trouble ahead, trouble behind. Anna's in grave danger of losing herself. Or worse, getting herself killed.

Why? Read on and you'll find out... I hope you like this chapter! :-)



Chapter 20

The stream of oncoming people was as smooth as ever. Nothing amiss with the sub-magical in-crowd in this quarter – the half witches or humans with just enough witch blood to give them what they called a 'knack' or 'the sight', the charlatans and street vendors that promised a low price and instant effect, whatever that meant.

I was going on autopilot, stiff and numb from what I learned from Sonya Bernards– information I'd rather have lived without. Information that made me consider turning my pockets inside out, watch the trinkets clatter to the pavement and roll away from me. Whatever it took to get myself out of this mess.

My aura was twisting, flailing like an angry swarm of insects. Flecks of what must have been deep red in auratic sight, fueled and sharpened by a toxic cocktail of fear and anger. I was too wired and too scared to maintain a steady cloaking spell, lost in thoughts, panicking. If I had payed attention, I might have noticed the shift in the quarter's atmosphere earlier, might have seen the still figures vanishing in and out of shadows around the market.

I was walking by one of the street vendors, when a black cat jumped in front of my feet, hissing like I was the devil impersonated. Goose bumps roughened the skin at the back of my neck. I stopped short. Something wasn't right. A disturbance in the auratic set up to my right.

I turned around just in time to see the smudge of motion in my peripheral vision. Something, or someone was coming my way. Time slowed down. Instinct had me raise my hand protectively, pulling on the cuff, reaching for power. The wall of air came into existence the moment it crashed into me. As soon as it hit, I knew what it was: air magic.

Nothing but the rush of motion, and the deafening sound of metal screeching as I crashed into one of the stands behind. My vision was tunneled, spinning. I sprang to my feet, rolled over and got myself behind the smashed stand, crouching low. People were shouting, scattering in the commotion. Another screech of sound right in front of me. I peered over the smashed stand. Chaos and panic spread through the street like deadly toxins hatching a ride on a dust devil. Impossible to tell enemy from foe.

I opened my mind to second sight, sifting through my surroundings. The quick flicker and fade of red spots in the auratic landscape. One moment there, the next one...not. A dance I was familiar with. My mouth dried.

Powerful witches. The same power I felt when the Inri Brotherhood stole the null bombs. Who in the name of the great three witches was that? The Force? Or, something else?

I tensed, scanning the crowd around me. Shadows retreating, people shouting, running.

"What the fuck man?" Someone shouted from above.

I didn't look up at what most certainly was the owner of the stand. They were closing in on me. If they got their hands on me, it was over.

I started running, plunging into a group of witches that were trying to re-erect the stand I'd knocked down.

"Hey you! Hey! Stop her!"

The words followed me like a blaring siren chasing me out of the quarter.

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