Chapter Ten: Oops!

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Sienna sat down at the fountain, in a very bad mood.

"God, Si, just relax, its not like-"

"Relax? RELAX?! How can I relax when people just don't stick together?" She yelled at Luke, who backed down quickly. Sienna felt a little bad about it, but her irritation took over.

"They talked to each other." Lincoln added.

"They talked two seconds! Seconds! How is that good, Lincoln? I worked so hard to get those idiots together, and they just went ahead and broke up! They didn't even think of the fact that my dad had to wear lipstick to get them together!" She said, referring to the trip to Elinor they took last year for Em and Peter.

"Aw, c'mon, Si, your dad wears lipstick all the time. He's an actor." Ali said.

"Yeah, but its minimal. If he kissed something with his shooting lips, they wouldn't leave a mark! But here, I made him wear dark pink lipstick, that made him look like a homo- do you think it plays well with a man's fragile ego?" She asked.

"Look, maybe something happened over the weekend, who knows?" Luke began, cautiously.

"Yeah, weekends. Then it should have happened last weekend, too, right?"

"Last weekend the wounds were still fresh. Now, some time has passed. Let's see what happens today, ok? Just relax, and do positive thinking." Lincoln said.

"Yeah." Luke seconded it.

Sienna shut up because there was some truth in Lincoln's words. She desperately wanted Em and Peter to be together, because they were meant to be together.

She could kill Kelly for breaking them apart, even indirectly.

As she waited for them to come, she sulked. She didn't exactly pay attention. So when Ali tapped her on the shoulder, she was really in for a surprise.

"Heads up," she said. Sienna looked up, and almost fell down in happiness. Em and Peter were holding hands, and smiling. Her prayers had been answered.

Then she frowned because as a popular girl, she was used to automatically checking people's outside demeanor. And Em and Peter looked... weird.

"Don't they look a bit weird to you?" Ali asked, in tune with Si's thoughts. 

"Yeah, they do. I mean they look cute and sweet but also very... open. Kind of look innocent." She mused. That's when she heard a guy snort behind her, and she turned. It was Lance, Em's brother.

"Innocent my ass."

"What do you mean?"

"Yeah, right, they look innocent. 'Cause innocent looking people sleep with each other." Then his eyes widened and he face palmed himself.

"Shit! I wasn't supposed to- god, she's going to kill me! Don't tell her, please!" Then he ran away. 

As the meaning of the words sunk in, Sienna looked at Em and Peter again. She now got why they looked a bit weird.

"Did he just say... sleep together?" Ali said, looking shocked.

"Sleep together... as in sex?" Luke asked, mouth open.

"If you know any other meaning." Lincoln said, engrossed in his laptop. Really, even this thing wasn't enough to get him away from his work.

Sienna guessed it wasn't that big a deal, but it was- to her. People at school automatically thought that since she was the popular kid, she'd have Done It already. It was a wrong stereotype. Truth was, Sienna was far away from it. Being a hard core romance junkie, she believed in the 'right time' and the 'right person' and it being 'special', things that people walked over and laughed about. Sienna let them think that. Hey, if people didn't get in her face about that, she was great with it.

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