Detention - Wonwoo

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**warning, this is a bit different to what I usually write because I want to try new things so I can improve as a writer cAUSE I SUCK AT WRITING SKDJDNNDNS

anyways I hope you like it, see you at the end of the imagine

-Kai who is screaming in Shakespearean English (I watched a bts video with it earlier don't judge me)


"Wonwoo, I swear.. You never should've shoved me into that bookshelf.. You got the both of us in trouble!" I said, smacking him on the back of his head.

"Hey hey hey! No need to abuse me!" He said, pouting.

"How do you think I feel after those books tumbled right onto my face?!" I said in a louder voice.

"Okay, I admit, it was pretty stupid.. But I regret nothing, and you already know that.." he said.

"God damnit.. I can't believe we have an entire week of detention.. my moms gonna kill me." I said.

"It's okay, we'll be there together!" He said, smiling.

I sighed, walking faster to avoid being beside him. I don't want to speak to him..

"Come on Y/n! Lighten up.." he said, trying to catch up with me.

"Lighten up!? You mean like I lightened up that bookshelf?" I said, spinning around and stopping in my tracks.

"Stop trying to guilt me! I'll shove you into another bookshelf.." he said, giving me a sinister smile.

"Shut up!" I said, almost wanting to tackle him.

"Why are we even together..?" He asked jokingly, smiling at me again.

"Ugh! I can't wait to go home so I can get away from you.." I said, turning back around and walking again.

"Y/n wait.." he said in a whiny voice, catching up to me.

He grabbed my arm, and I smacked it away, letting out another sigh.

We made it to the detention room, where I was about to open the door. Wonwoo immediately held his hand out, stopping me from opening it.

I took my hand away and looked at him with a confused expression plastered across my face.

"Can you wait a second?" He asked, hand trailing down to get a grip on my wrist.

"Okay, it's been a second. Let's go." I said, trying to take my wrist away.

"Come on Y/n~ you know what I mean.." he said in an annoyed yet somehow sweet tone.

"What is it?" I asked.

"You know.. We've been dating for a few months.." he said, trailing off.

"And?" I said, causing him to give me an offended look.

"Well- I was wondering.. Ugh- how I do even say this? It's weird to ask.." he said, stuttering each time he tried to talk.

"Listen, Wonwoo. Tell me after detention so we don't get in trouble, okay?" I said.

"Okay.." he said in disappointment, letting me get the door this time.

Detention was boring. There were some other people in there too. I know how a few of them got here..

Soonyoung, he's here because he tried to cheat on a quiz about the water cycle.

Mingyu, he wouldn't stop picking up Jihoon and teasing him about his height and Jihoon told on him.

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