Overflow - Woozi

718 16 5

"Jihoon, what's on your mind?"

That's the only thing you'd been asking him the entirety of the week.

Jihoon suddenly snapped up, not aware that he was spaced out on something random once again. He turned his head to face you, attention now focused on the person who he had been sitting next to silently for the past half hour.

"Nothing much.. Just a little out of it today, I guess." Jihoon responded, the ease absent from his voice.

Of course, you weren't buying it one bit.

"Are you sure there's nothing.. You want to talk about?" You asked, and Jihoon started to look a bit uncomfortable.

"Yeah, I'm sure.." He said, shifting in his chair.

You huffed a bit in dissatisfaction. You weren't going to believe for even a second that Jihoon was in his right mind right now. He's been acting like this for the past week. It's not like it hasn't happened before, either.

A few months ago, Jihoon just got into this state where he would randomly space out for no reason. You knew something was wrong, but he would always deny it and never ended up telling you what was wrong. It went on for a while until he eventually got out of the habit.

It kind of made you sad to see him start getting to that point again. He would try his best to avoid any conversation with you back then.. And he's beginning to do the exact same thing.

"Do you want to leave?" You paused when he had no immediate reaction, "I mean.. Do you want to go for a walk or something?"

"..Sure. It's getting boring just sitting here." He said, making you smile slightly.

After getting up and walking silently for about a minute, you decided that you should try and break the silence.

"What's been going on with you lately? You're a lot more quiet than usual.. I'm getting worried-"

You were cut off by your phone ringing. You stopped in your tracks, but Jihoon kept going for a few steps more before he stopped as well.

You took your phone out of your pocket, reading the caller as, 'Mingyu.'

"Hold on Jihoon, let me answer this right quick."

Jihoon nodded, but he couldn't help but to think about how he already knew why Mingyu was calling. He's been hearing Mingyu talking about it all week. How he was going to ask you to be his girlfriend..

It made Jihoon.. Angry. Not an, 'I'm totally going to fight you,' angry, but a sad kind of angry. It just angered him knowing that someone is going to beat him to you. He's kind of been the tortoise in this situation though.. Except he's thinking slow and steady won't win the race this time.

Jihoon telling you he felt that way about you was, in his mind, a whole lot easier said than done. It seemed almost impossible for him to even think about doing something about it.

"Okay, bye!" Jihoon heard your cheery voice say as you hung up the phone.

He turned around to you, only to see the dopiest grin plastered across your face.

"Guess who has a date tonight~!"

Jihoon smiled, and turned away to look at the ground. Now all he had to do, or all he needed to do, was just be supportive no matter what happens.

He just thought to himself, 'it's happened before, you can go through it again.'

Jihoon sighed, not loud enough for you, who was currently lagging behind him because of how excited you were now, to hear him do so.

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