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"I did not go out and buy all this stuff yesterday just for you to sit around and expect me to make them by myself."

Yeah, Seungkwan decided that cookie day was today. Possibly the most infuriating and annoyingly messy time of each holiday season. Seungkwan always forced me to make cookies with him for every single holiday occasion that he found important. And I had to make it stick to the theme or he'd get into his not at all rare occurrence of sass mode. Sure, themes for the cookies sound cute.. But with Seungkwan it's follow the theme or you get pinched. I just assumed that what he was doing was what I was supposed to be doing but he'd always get mad at me for it. He was only doing this as an excuse for cookies anyways so I don't understand why he gets so mad.

I mean.. It's nice if I'm doing it right according to him. But he's like a ten times sassier version of Gordon Ramsey. And it sucked.

"Come on, Y/n! These cookies are a team effort! So get up and come here!" Seungkwan yelled, and I finally gave in and reluctantly walked into the kitchen to find all of the stuff laid out on the table.

"I forgot how to make them correctly again so can you pretty pretty please?" He said, batting his eyelashes.

"..You're mean." I said, not moving.

"Oh come on, you know what happened last time I tried to do it myself! What more will it take to persuade you?" He asked, before looking like a lightbulb went off in his head.

He quickly made his way over to me and stared at me silently for a moment before quickly pecking me on the lips.

I had the look of pure annoyance on my face.

"Pllleeeeaassseeee Iwillliterallypourflourinyourshoes pRETTY PLEASE-"

"FINE!" I shouted, and he finally walked away from me and swiftly went over to sort the stuff for the cookie decorations as I made these cookies that I really didn't feel like making whatsoever.

After the difficult process of finding out where Seungkwan wanted to put the cookies since we were going to be making messes, we finally decided on a place and started to decorate them.

Surprisingly Seungkwan never said a thing about how sloppy the icing and decorations were on the ones that I made. He would look at them every once in a while but all he would do is slightly smile and then go back to his.

It was kind of confusing.. But I'm not really complaining because this isn't making me feel mentally drained for once.


After finishing up the cookies and cleaning up the mess we made, I turned towards Seungkwan.

"What happened to the lectures I thought I was going to get on how to properly decorate a cookie?" I asked as Seungkwan was on the verge of eating one of my cookies.

"Well, you see.." Seungkwan opened his mouth to speak before stopping himself, taking another few seconds to say something as a response, "The theme was.. slightly sloppy so I thought I could pass that."

He looked nervous, and I wasn't buying that bullshit for a second.

"Oh really..? Then how come if it's only slightly sloppy I still passed? My hands were shaking so much it doesn't even look like a reindeer! It looks like a brick with a twig coming out of the top of it." I said, Seungkwan quickly retaliating.

"Yeah, you shouldn't have tried with the Rudolph touch either. It looks like someone threw a brick at him and he got a nosebleed.. Maybe it made him become one?" He said, and I glared at him as his judgmental expression eased up.

"..Look.. I just didn't want to stress you out over this too much and you were going to eat them anyways so it's not worth making them pretty only to immediately eat them after, just from me knowing how you are, obviously.." He said, my glare only getting more intense for a split second before I processed what he said first.

"Oh my god you're not showing complete hatred towards my baking for once?" I said in a sarcastic tone, making Seungkwan snort.

"Oh please! You just got lucky this one time. They look pretty bad, but good job for the effort. Have fun cleaning while I'm eating." He said, speaking in a melodic tone for the rhyme, giving me a quick peck on the cheek before walking out of the kitchen with the cookies to leave me with the mess.

What a little jerk.. But at least.. Well no there's no positive I'm literally about to go steal those cookies from him.

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