Discouragment - Woozi

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Jihoon stared across the room at you, who was mesmerized in talking to someone that you went to school with. It made Jihoon's blood boil. You looked like you was having such a great time.. Saying Jihoon was jealous was an understatement. He was so majorly envious of you two that he felt like his head was about to explode.

But yet, he was still more sad than he could be pissed off right now. He felt neglected.

"Jihoon, just sitting here isn't gonna make you any less jealous. Get up and go do something if it's going to stop you from wanting to murder him." Soonyoung said.

"I'm just saying, it's difficult to want to try. I can't seem to do anything to please her anymore.." Jihoon sighed, feeling his forming headache start to bother him.

"I know you really love her though, Jihoon. You've gotta try." Soonyoung said, making Jihoon feel even more sick to his stomach than he already was.

"I can't, Soonyoung.. Do you not see how she looks when she's talking to him? She never looks that way when I talk to her.." Jihoon said, hanging his head down.

"You're going to end up making me slap some sense into you, young man." Soonyoung said in an angry tone, ruffling Jihoon's hair.

"God damnit.. You're such a jerk." Jihoon said, standing up to try and get away from the walking burden that was Soonyoung.

Jihoon had to admit. The way that he's treating Soonyoung right now is really unfair. Soonyoung has done nothing but try to help him out but all Jihoon does is get mad at him.

But at this point all Jihoon wanted to do was go outside and cool off. He'd much rather be doing this than watch the love of his life get practically swept away from him by some dude in her class.

He felt pathetic for being like this. Usually, you hanging around your male friends never really bothered him. He just got a little clingy, but lately he's just gotten to where he doesn't want to try and get your attention directed at him.

He assumed that you just think he's boring. Jihoon would just love to know. Just so he can stop messing his head up over it.

He walked out of the doors and started to take a slow walk. It'd be a wonder if this calmed him down..

> > >

"Soonyoung, where'd Jihoon go?" You asked, walking up to Soonyoung after that longer than expected talk with your friend.

"He.. He went for a walk. He's kind of stressed right now." Soonyoung, which was completely true but without the context.

"For real? He must've gotten bored waiting for me as well. I said five minutes but I already know it's been way longer than that. I hope he's not too mad at me.." You said, worry starting to flood your chest.

"Don't worry too much, Y/n. I'm sure that he's not mad at you.." Soonyoung said, trying his best to comfort you.

"I feel bad for not paying attention to him now.. Lately, he hasn't been as clingy.. In fact, he hasn't been clingy whatsoever. It's starting to worry me a little bit." You said, trying to remember the last time that Jihoon had tried to catch your eye.

"If I were you.. I'd talk about it. Don't just let it sit like that." Soonyoung said, using every fiber of his being to not just spill what was actually going on.

"Are you sure? Is it really a good idea to talk to him while he's stressed? I'm sure you'd know.." You said, and Soonyoung just shrugged.

"It's a fifty fifty chance. He's either really mad or there's a lot of crying.." Soonyoung said, looking as if he was about to second guess himself before brushing it off.

"Okay.. I guess I'm just gonna have to wait until then. I'll talk to you later Soonyoung, thanks." You said, and after Soonyoung nodded you made your way to the door.

You walked out of the building, getting out your phone to text Jihoon.

You: Hey, where are you?

It took him about a minute to respond, and all you could do was wait.

Jihoon: I'm going home

You: Oh, can I meet you there? We need to talk

Jihoon: About what?

You: I'll explain when I get there, okay?

Jihoon: alright

You put your phone in your pocket, making your way to where Jihoon lived. It wasn't too far from here, conviently. You couldn't help but to be worried. What if something was wrong?

After a few minutes of walking, you walked up to the door of the place where Jihoon lived. With no hesitation, you pushed the button for the doorbell and heard it ring inside. You knew it was going to take a minute for Jihoon to come and get the door, so you tapped your foot impatiently.

True to your thought, it had been a minute and Jihoon opened the door. He had a semi-bitter look on his face, the rest being accompanied by sadness. It made your heart ache. What happened..?

He moved over and allowed me to come in, and we sat down together on the couch.

"There's something wrong with you, Jihoon. I can tell.." You said, crossing your arms and leaning forward to see his face, which he had facing a different direction.

Jihoon didn't respond, he only stayed silent which basically proved all of it.

"What's wrong..? I don't want to keep seeing you like this. Was it something I did? Wait.. You didn't go through my photos did you? I swear those pictures of BigBang were for research." You said, making Jihoon look up at you with a concerned look before smiling and snickering at the panicked look on your face.

"It wasn't the photos? Never mind then, and don't go through my photos.. Please. Just.. Just tell me what's really wrong with you. I want to help if I can." After you said that Jihoon mumbled something that you would never be able to understand.


Jihoon stared right into your eyes, looking nervous.

"..I'm.. I'm kind of jealous." He said, and your eyes widened.

"Of what?" You said, and Jihoon paused for a moment before shaking his head.

"It's making me mad. You talk to me like you used to, it's always someone else. Even when I'm around you, I feel like you just don't want anything to do with me." He said, and when he said that, it broke your heart.

"Oh my god.. Jihoon, I'm so sorry.. I didn't realize I was ignoring you like that. I didn't mean to.. Sometimes I just get a bit too caught up in conversations." I said, now realizing how much I've actually acted like I didn't care to talk to him.

"Do you really not want to talk to me anymore?" He asked, which made you contemplate if he was crazy for a second.

"I do! I just.. I haven't lately. I swear, I'll pay more attention to you now." You said, and after finishing that sentence, you quickly jumped over to where Jihoon was and engulfed him into a bone crushing hug, burying your face into his shoulder.

You looked up for a moment, not taking your arms out from around him. He was smiling at you with a look of relief in his eyes. He leaned forward, giving you the most loving kiss that you'd ever gotten from him.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

HI EVERYONE I AM ALIVE :D (that smile is sarcastic)


Dedicated to my m8s ugliwoozistan and anime_at_the_disco bc they both love Jihoon a l o t. (also again thanks to ayejunhui for editing this lol)

That's all, bye ~

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