Distance - Hoshi

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I looked around the halls, making sure no one was around. I don't want to be around anyone right now.. I just feel so bothered by everyone's presence.

I ran down to the lunchroom. I walked in and looked for an empty place. There was a table in the back with no one there.. perfect.

I walked over there and sat down, putting my head down. Maybe no one will sit with me..

Without me noticing, someone sat down across from me. They tapped on my arm, causing me to look up.


"Y/n, why are you sitting by yourself?" He asked.

I didn't respond and put my head back down. God.. this makes me feel bad.

"Y/n.. Are you okay?" He asked.

I didn't do anything in response. Just ignore him..

"You've been distancing yourself from everyone lately.. Including me. Is there something wrong?" He kept talking, he's making things more difficult.

I stayed silent and frowned at myself. I hate doing this to him.. But I can't stop doing it. I have to ignore him.

I heard him sigh. He stayed silent for a couple of a while. Then I felt a hand place on my arm. It made me look up. It was a teacher..? Soonyoung left? Well, that's good.

"Hey, Y/n, are you feeling well?" She asked.

"Yes, I'm fine. Just a little tired." I said.

The teacher nodded and took her hand off my arm. She walked away, and I put my head back down.

I'm kind of sad that Soonyoung left. I don't blame him, I was ignoring him the whole time. He probably wouldn't want to be around me anyways..

I got up and left the lunchroom. I had nothing to do in there, I'll just stay out here until it's time to leave.

I went around the corner and sat down in the floor, near the end of the hallway. Almost no one comes down here from what I've seen.

It was quiet for a few moments. And for some reason, I felt like crying. And it's over the fact that I'm alone. I don't know what it is about this, I don't even feel remotely lonely yet I'm sitting here about to cry over it.

I did this to myself, I shouldn't feel sad over it. I made it to where I'd get like this. But if it means I can't bother anyone, I guess that's okay.

I brought my knees to my chest and lied my head down. I want to go home..

I felt myself get sleepy. Would it be a bad idea to sleep right now..? As I was thinking, I heard a noise come from the hall and it made me jump, completely snapping me out of my sleepy state.

I watched the corner, waiting to see if it was a person. And sure enough, it was.

That was Soonyoung coming around the corner.

"Y/n." He sternly said, coming over to me, "we're by ourselves now, and I'm not going to let you ignore me. So tell me, what's going on with you?"

I sighed and looked up at him.

"Why do you care?" I said in an annoyed tone.

Soonyoung's face fell into an angry face to a hurt face. Did I just.. hurt his feelings? God, this is exactly why I shouldn't be around people, all I seem to do is hurt them.

To my surprise, that didn't make Soonyoung stop attempting to talk to me.

"Y/n, I care because.. I care about you a lot. And seeing you distance yourself from everyone and look so sad all the time breaks my heart. I want to know why you're acting like this." He said.

Say what. He cares about me? I thought he was only my friend because he felt bad. (of course you did) (wait no I'm writing this)

"Do you really care about my answer? Please don't lie." I said.

"Of course I do Y/n! Why would you ask me something like that?" He said.

"Because a lot of people lie, Soonyoung."

"Y/n, do you really not trust me enough to take my words seriously?" He asked.

I glared at him. I'm being a bitch, I know.. but this needs to stop, I can't let him waste his time on me anymore.

I stood up, and tried to walk past Soonyoung.

In almost no time, he grabbed my wrist and pulled me back.

"Y/n! Stop trying to avoid my questions. Please, just tell me what's wrong." He said, staring right into my soul.


I hesitated looking back, I was just really taken aback because of the sudden burst.

"Soonyoung.. I don't know what to tell you. Yes, I'm not happy, and yes, I've been trying to stay away from everyone. But I can't tell you the reason why." I said.

"Of course you can. You can tell me anything, Y/n. You can trust me." He said.

I hated those four words. They've been said to me so many times, yet all of the words were false. It's happening again.. This can't be happening with Soonyoung. I don't want to ruin the good image of him in my mind.

I don't want to be hurt, and I don't want to hurt him.

I just couldn't hold back the feeling of wanting to cry anymore, so I felt tears starting to go down my face. I had to stop. I don't feel good. It's like everything's going numb.

I've lost all motivation to do anything.. I just want to go home, and I want to sleep.

Soonyoung took his grip off my arm and held his arms out open to me.

I can't be like this, not to him.

I crashed into him, immediately soaking his shirt with my tears. He rubbed my back, trying to calm me down.

"It's okay Y/n.. just calm down." He said quietly.

I tried to stop crying, with the effort causing me to hold onto Soonyoung tighter. I just couldn't stop myself.

Soonyoung pulled me back again, causing me to face up towards him.

He stared dead into my eyes with a warm smile on his face.

"Y/n, I promise, I'll be here for you. And I mean that genuinely." He said.

My crying died down with his words. Being around Soonyoung really made me calm.. maybe, I really do need him.

"Soonyoung, I believe you." I said.

He tilted my face up to his level, and slowly leaning in, kissing me softly. My face went completely red.

After he pulled back from the kiss, I buried my head into his chest.

"Soonyoung.." I muttered, words muffled.

"I love you.." he whispered.

My face got even more warm. I was burning up.. but, I really couldn't leave him hanging like that.

"I love you too, Soonyoung." I said.

Then it came to me. I didn't need to distance myself from everyone. But I really only needed one person. Kwon Soonyoung..



this idea was kind of shit because I literally came up with it within the last fifteen minutes of my English exam and wrote some of it down on the back of my exam schedule.

Anyway, that be all.


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